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Wednesday, 31 August 2022

The Captain Conundrum


 2022 Charity Shop Purchases #40 - Idlewild - Captain

I've come to Idlewild via a backwards route. My in was via the folk albums of Roddy Woomble, both his solo stuff and his album with Kris Drever and John McCusker

More recently, particulalry in the last year or so, I have been gradually acquiring  the earlier recordings of Idlewild, the band he led, via charity shops.

My most recent acquisition is their first Captain from 1998 and it is here that the condundrum kicks in.It has 6 tracks and is only 19 minutes and 47 seconds long. To me that means it qualifies as an EP but Wiki say it is more commonly known is a mini-album. Is there such a thing? If so it is not included within my cataologuing system. Had I got the Japanese version which contains another 4 songs making it a whopping 24 minutes and 54 seconds long this may have been less of an issue.

The above is pretty much semantics. As long as the music is good it pretty  doesn't much  matter. I'm pleased to report that it does. It is a splendid racket as as far removed from his acoustic folk records as you could imagine.

I'm still filing it as an EP although it will be shelved alongside the CD albums as opposed to the CD singles.

Idlewild -Captain

Idlewild -Satan Polaroid

If you log on one day soon and there is nothing here it is because I have thrown the laptop out the window.It is doing my head in!

Tuesday, 30 August 2022



 2022 Charity Shop Purchases #39 - Various Artists - Destroy!

This Mojo compilation proved to be a bit of a conundrum. I picked it up as makeweight in a 4 for 99p sale. I was pretty sure I had it but given the price I thought no harm done if I had.

When I got home I couldn't find it on the Punk compilation shelf or in my manual cataloguing book but I was still pretty sure I had it. A blog search provided the answer. It seems that I did indeed pick up a copy in June 2019 but didn't keep it. Problem solved.

I wasn't too complimentary then saying that only about a third of the tracks were worth having. I still stand by that.There is a little bit too much Oi  for my liking. However I think I will hold onto it for a bit this time round. It may well be one of the first to go whenever a cull is required.

I've decided to go for three different songs to those posted before which I have just about managed.

As C pointed out last time round the picture on the cover is of Susan Lucas who is better known as Soo Catwoman.

Monday, 29 August 2022

New to Me



I picked up the latest copy of Uncut last week which came with a 15 track CD of new music.

About half of it is pretty good indeed - honourable mentions to Beth Orton, Lambchop and Built to Spill in particular but I have plumped for three others.

Johanna Warren, an American singer and actor is a new name to me . It seems that she has been on the go since 2009 when she went by the name of Sticklips. Her latest album Lessons for Mutants on the Wax Nine label is her 8th album.If Piscean Lover is anything to go by  I shall be looking out for more by her.

Tommy McLain is an American swamp pop rocker who began recording in the 1950s. In August he released I Ran Down Every Dream his first album for 40 years with a number of collaborators including Nick Lowe and Elvis Costello. Although the name didn't ring a bell it turns out that I have a couple of songs by him on the harddrive.

Plains are probably the pick of the bunch and are seemingly a one off project featuring Katie Cruthfield (of Waxahatchee fame) and Jess Williamson. Their album I Walked With You A Ways on the Anti- label is scheduled for release on 14th October. On the strength of Problem With It it has been added to my Christmas list.

Johanna Warren - Piscean Lover

Tommy McLain - Livin' on the Losin' End

Plains - Problem With It

Sunday, 28 August 2022

Albums on both CD and Vinyl - Introducing the Hardline According to Terence Trent D'Arby


Along with just about everyone else on the planet I bought Introducing the Hardline According to Terence Trent D'Arby when it was released by Columbia in July 1987.

I played it a fair bit at the time but it is one of those albums which you rarely dig out for a spin years later.
Then in 2016 in a charity shop for £1.49 I picked up a 3 CD box set which included this album along with his third album Symphony or Damn (1993) and Vibrator (1995). By the time these were released he had become rather strange and was no longer part of the mainstream.

I featured both here and here at the time and I don't think that I have listened to them since. Until now I have probably not listened to Hardline since then either.
There is no denying that he has a great voice but was probably a victim of over-exposure when the album was released with the associated hype.

It's been filed back on the shelves and will probably be dusted down again in another few years.

Saturday, 27 August 2022

Rip it Up


To my eternal shame I have nothing by  jingly jangly legends Orange Juice on either vinyl or CD. Plenty of downloads but nothing physical. You never see anything by them in charity shops!

I have a few Edwyn Collins albums on CD , two vinyl albums by Zeke Manyika and I am awaiting the album Happy Ending  by HiFi Sean & David McAlmont from LNFG. The only thing I have featuring Malcolm Ross is Sorry For Laughing by Josef K on the Big Gold Dreams compilation. But nothing by the band.

Fortunately Mrs CC has come to my rescue with the 12 inch single of Rip it Up from 1983 on the Polydor label. A bit crackly in places but that is no bad thing

I should probably rectify my current situation.

Orange Juice - Rip it Up (Long Version)

Orange Juice - A Sad Lament (Long Version)

Friday, 26 August 2022

Swedefest - Mystic Chords of Memory


Mystic Chords of Memory  are an American alternative rock duo consisting of Christopher Gunst of Beechwood Sparks and Jen Cohen of the Aisler Set.

They have released two albums with this self-titled one from 2004 on Rough Trade being the firsr.

As our American readers will surely know (I'm looking at you Brian) the bands name is a phrase which appears in the last paragraph of Abraham Lincoln's first inaugural address. Every day is a schoolday.

Amanda Petrusich from Pitchfork appears to like it  giving a score of  7.7/10 and saying that it is full of soft melodies,sweet vocals and scratchy DIY production.I'm not so sure about the first two but she is spot on with the last 

She goes on  the band's sound is just as archaic as a truly striking political speech: Gunst and Cohen blend tinkling bells, melodica, harp, keyboards, bits of samples, tinny drums, and strummy guitars, presenting a vaguely contemporary update on the British folk phenomenon of the late 1960s-- albeit with more blips.

I'm afraid that this one does nothing for me (other than mildly irritating me)and it is definitely not a keeper.I can see why The Swede was happy to part with it!

One more new act to go then a couple of albums from bands who have previously featured in this series.

Mystic Chords of Memory - Sure, Bert

Mystic Chords of Memory - Mongo and Arky

Thursday, 25 August 2022

20th Century Boy


My final purchase from the Whithorn pop up shop was Best of 20th Century Boy a K-Tel compilation from 1985 attributed to Marc Bolan and T.Rex. 
I already have Solid Gold another T.Rex compilation but it was bought in the knowledge that although there would be doublers there would be enough new ones given this a 28 track double album compared to the 16 tracks of Solid Gold.

One slight problem however as when I got it home I found that the second album in the sleeve was not the one on the cover but  that the LP in the sleeve was a  Spanish copy of the bands debut album T.Rex from 1971.
No biggie I thought, it will be interesting to hear it. Unfortunately it is in a very poor condition so I haven't been able to give it a proper listen.

Oh well never mind. As they say: 

Get it On
Bang a Gong
Get it On

T.Rex - Get it On

T.Rex - Jeepster

Wednesday, 24 August 2022



 2022 Charity Shop Purchases #38  - Pixies - Bossanova

I think that it is safe to say that my second purchase from Oxfam in Troon could not be more radically different to yesterday's posting of Dean Owens. It would  also be fair to say that Mrs CC is far more impressed with yesterdays offering than todays.

For years I made to with the compilation Death to the Pixies and Trompe le Monde and it was only two years ago that I got round to picking up Doolittle in a charity shop . It looks like I'm getting there gradually with only Surfer Rosa and maybe Come on Pilgrim still required. I'm not sure that any of the later one are necessary.

Bossanova was their third full length studio album from 1990 and was released on 4AD in the UK and Elektra in the US and received pretty positive reviews.

I've gone for the two singles Velouria and Dig for Fire as I am more familiar with them from the compilation.

Pixies - Velouria

Pixies -Dig For Fire

Tuesday, 23 August 2022




 2022 Charity Shop Purchases #37 - Dean Owens - Cashback -Songs I Learned from Johnny

We had a  family meal in the Ayrshire coastal town of Troon last week and I managed a quick visit to Oxfam where a couple of purchases were duly made. 

As you can see from the picture above one was Cashback - Songs I Learned from Johnny by Scottish Americana artist Dean Owens from 2012 and on Drumfire Records

In rthe sleevenotes Dean describes how Johnny Cash has always been there in the background of my life a sentiment I'm sure that many of us can identify with. He further goes on to describe how he never took Johnny's music too seriously until the first American Recording album.

I can pretty much relate to that too although I was already a fan of his Sun stuff and the Folsom and San Quentin Prison albums.

It is an album of Cash covers and songs that Dean feels that he learnt from Johnny given a Celtabilly feel.And for good measure he throws in  one of his own .

Deano had slipped off my radar by this time and I wouldn't say that this is necessarily one of his best. However there is no doubt that it is a heartfelt and genuine tribute to the great man.

Dean Owens -Give My Love to Rose

Dean Owens - Delia's Gone

Dean Owens - The Night Johnny Cash Played San Quentin

Monday, 22 August 2022

I am Brian Jackson


If the name Brian Jackson rings a bell chances are it is because of his collaborations with Gil Scott- Heron in the 70's as a writing partner, keyboard player and musical director on songs such as The Bottle 

The relationship sadly deteriorated with arguements over royalties and publishing rights coupled with Scott- Heron's addiction issues.They did eventually reconcile but the trust was gone.

During the 70s and 80s he worked with the likes of Earth Wind& Fire, Stevie Wonder and Gwen Guthrie. Earlier this year he released This is Brian Jackson his first sole album in over 20 years to positive revues

Exy - his music is timeless,a musical montage reflecting his multi-disciplinary immersion in jazz,funk, soul and hip-hop, without sacrificing the focus, generosity,inspiration, and openness that have been at the very heart of his music all along

Pitchfork (7.5/10) - Jackson may be speaking in broad generalities rather than directly engaging in specific modern political and social movements, but the nostalgic sound and undimmed energy evokes the activism of his youth: The heart of a radical still beats inside his chest.

This Is Brian Jackson is a salient reminder that great artists, no matter where they are on their journey, can rediscover themselves.

It only has 8 tracks and as it is a new album I am only sharing one Mami Wata a traditional composition that honours African water spirits along with a video of All Talk

Brian Jackson Mami Wata

Sunday, 21 August 2022

Albums on both CD and Vinyl - In Awe of Nothing


Mt. Doubt were an Edinburgh band led by Leo Bargery who were formed in 2015. I say were as Leo has recently announced that the band have reached the end of their journey and that he will be pursuing new projects.

I first saw them at event put on by Last Night from Glasgow at Kelvingrove Bandstand in July 2018. I was suitably impressed and came away with a  CD copy of  In Awe of Nothing  released by the Scottish Fiction label in 2016 and a couple of their singles.

I kept an eye on their career picking up a digital copy of the EP This Must Mean Something Awful. Scottish Fiction was alway a part time project by Neil Wilson  and due to other commitments is now releasing far fewer records that it used to.

LNFG stepped into the gap, in an amicable way, and released the band's second album Doubtlands in 2020.  Then in 2021 Scottish Fiction announced a 5th anniversary vinyl cope of In Awe of Nothing and naturally I swooped

I saw an abridged version of the band supporting Constant Follower earlier this year and they were excellent. I shall be keeping an eye out for Leo's future career.

Mt. Doubt - Verdant

Mt. Doubt - Bastard Sea

Saturday, 20 August 2022

Songs for Swingin' Saturdays


I used to have a copy of the Frank Sinatra classic Songs for Swingin' Lovers but it disappeared somehow, somewhere along the way.

Therefore I was pretty happy to pick up a copy of the 1960 re-issue of the album originally released on the Capitol label in 1956 for a couple of quid in the Whithorn pop up shop. As you would expect for an album of this age there is a bit of snap,crackle and pop. It is however in remarkably good condition for its age and any surface noise just adds to the attraction.

Widely recognised as his best album,or if not his second best after In the Wee Small Hours, this is Old Blue Eyes at his absolute prime with the musical arrangements courtesy of Nelson Riddle. It was rightly the first album ever to top the UK Album charts

Nothing more to say really. I'll let the music do the talking.

Frank Sinatra -It Happened in Monterey

Frank Sinatra -I've Got You Under My Skin

Friday, 19 August 2022

Swedefest - LNZNDRF


LNZNDRF seem to be yet another band who find the use of vowels disposable or should that read yt nthr bnd wh fnd th s f vwls dspsble?

It seems that they are something of a supergroup given that they consist of the trio Brian and Scott Devendorf of the National and Benjamin Lanz of Beirut.The band title begins to make slightly more sense now - Lanz and Devendorf but without those pesky vowels.

Pitchfork seem to like it up to a point giving it a score of 6.1 and describe it as paying homage to the headier aspects of the 4AD catalogue with an enjoyable yet uneven debut.

They seem to enjoy the music but not necessarily the vocals and to a certain extent I can see where they are coming from. In addition they reference Conny Plank's studio in Cologne, with the obligatory nod to Can, and Spacemen 3. I don't know enough about either to pass judgement. Maybe others do?

This is the  self-titled debut album by the band from 2016 on 4AD and they have followed it up with a 12 inch single, an EP and a second album imaginatively titled II in 2021

I'm not sure that this one is for me although it is perfectly pleasant background music.I just about managed to listen to it all the way through. I suspect that it will not be a keeper

LNZNDRF - Beneath the Black Sea

LNZNDRF - Momument

Thursday, 18 August 2022



When John posted a song by the Flying Mojito Bros the other day I offered up Rose City Band as another act who produce some interesting and excellent psychedelic Americana with a Laurel Canyon twist.

The band is a side project of  of Ripley Johnson of Wooden Shjips and  Moon Duo fame. In a short but prolific period he/they released three albums all of which are on the Thrill Jockey label namely Rose City Band (2019)., Summerlong (2020) and Earth Trip (2021).

They are all excellent but Summerlong remains my favourite, particularly at this time of the year.Ok, so the weather may have returned to normal but it still hits the spot.

The Guardian in a review article state that In an increasingly fraught world, it's an unashamedly sunny sound. It makes for a gorgeous record in which to lose yourself for 40 minutes.

Folk Radio states that  with Summerlong he has proved that even in the dark days there is always hope for rebirth close at hand.

A true beacon of sunshine.

I'm not sure if Ripley plans anything else from this offshoot. I think that stopping at the three albums is just about right but am willing to be proved wrong.

Rose City Band - Only Lonely

Rose City Band - Real Long Gone

Wednesday, 17 August 2022

The Household Clearance cds. Part 14.


George writes:

Here we go again. Amongst the remaining pile is something called “Anos 90, bem medidos, a melhor música portuguesa da década”. Maybe it is, I wasn’t living here then. Although I’m not sufficiently au fait with portuguese music of Anos 2010s ou Anos 2020s to know the best portuguese music of those years. It’s 2 cd set, 29 tracks, so I’m hoping for a few good tracks. On opening the case, it only has cd 2. So the Xutos e Pontapés track will go unheard (they are the only group I recognise of the 29) Those of you hoping for a Quim Barreiros track are going to be disappointed too, he’s inexplicably absent.

15 tracks. And you might recognise this.

Despe e siga - Bué das baldas

The translation of both artiste and song caused me problems, the song is slang  (the best I can come up with is “big-time slacker”) and the group, I’m not sure of an equivalent english-phrase, possibly  “get the hell out of here”. Enough of embarrassing myself. Having said that, when I went for coffee at Café Chaves the other week I had to explain why I had a big wound on my arm. “I fell over”, “Drunk?”,”No, I fell on a step in the corale”. (The previous day I had been stung by a wasp, and the day after the fall, Parsley pushed me onto a cork tree).

Oh……the album, I gave up on it after track11, skipping through the last few songs.

There’s a Supremes album in the collection, a give-away with a national newspaper, the first three I skip through are live recordings. There’s a Ray Charles album in that same series, I listen to 4 tracks and give up. Then I spy a John Lee Hooker album……

And it has ten tracks that don’t seem to have been re-recorded, remixed or are dreadful live versions, just ten great tracks.

John Lee Hooker - No shoes

A keeper. That’s three in all.

That’s it. Last in the series. There are a few more albums I really do not want to listen to, some more of the Cosmopolitan cd singles that don’t interest me. And a Justin Timberlake cd single. But I have played the ANTILOOK album again, and it’s still sounding good.

As always, thanks to the CC for putting the nonsense on his pages.

CC writes:

In his e-mail with this post George wrote:

That's the last one. I can't bring myself to listen to the remaining cds (Justin Timberlake, Classical Christmas Highlights, Opera Dream (snippets from operas), Trop Hop malarkey, more tedious Depeche Mode songs,.........)

Thanks George

I'm sure you will agree that he has gone above and beyond.

He should get a good crop this year with all those bird scarers.

More hopefully from George once he gets out of therapy.

Tuesday, 16 August 2022

It Took a Lost Weekend in a Hotel in Amsterdam


When I featured Rattleskins  Rattlesnakes on the Vinyl and CD series the other week I confessed that I had also not featured anything  before from Easy Pieces the second album by Lloyd Cole & the Commotions from 1985 on Polydor.

There seemed to be a bit of love for it out there for it particularly from regular Friday night correspondent Spence.

I had said that I would get round to featuring it sooner rather than later and given that I am a man of my word here it is.

It continues in the same rich vein of form as Rattlesnakes and whereas it is maybe not quite as good as its predecessor (let's face it very few albums are) it still throws up some absolute bangers.

I dusted it down for a listen or rather gave it a good clean as it has been a while and thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

Did you know that Lloyd was from Buxton and grew up in Chapel-en-le-Frifth? He now stays in Easthampton, Massachusetts.

Lloyd Cole & the Commotions - Why I Love Country Music

Lloyd Cole & the Commotions - Lost Weekend

Monday, 15 August 2022

Southern Avenue


George very kindly shared  a recent Bandcamp discovery with me.
Southern Avenue are a five piece blues'n' soul band from Memphis. This, their self-titled debut album from 2017, is on the Stax label and is the first of three albums to date.

I asked George whether he wanted to write something about them but he is still a bit traumatised from his Household Clearance  series so it has fallen to me to do the honours

They are named after a street in Memphis which runs from the city limits to Soulsville the original home of Stax. The band were founded by Israeli blues guitarist  Ori Naftaly and includes the Jackson sisters Tierinni on lead vocals and Tykira on drums.

Soul Tracks proclaim that the album   is a breath of fresh air with its own unique blend of gospel- tinged R&B vocals, roots/blues-based guitar work and soul-inspired songwriting.

Whereas it may have been unique at the time to me there are clear comparisons to be made with the Alabama Shakes and the Last Internationale both of whom came along a few years later.

A good find George

Sunday, 14 August 2022

Albums on both CD and Vinyl - Grievous Angel


We are back to absolute classics this week with Grievous Angel the second and final album released by Gram Parsons back in 1974 on the Reprise label.It was released posthumously after his death in September 1973 at the age of 26  following a drug and alcohol overdose

I was totally oblivious to him then and it was not until the late 80s when a superb Radio 2 show by Hank Wangford alerted me to his talents and to other artists such as the Louvin Brothers and Lefty Frizzell. How I wish that I had a copy of that show.

Obviously it was imperative that I track down some of his music and this LP was duly purchased. Not too long afterwards I bought the 1990 CD  again on Reprise which contained both his first album GP and this one. Question to self- "how on earth have you not got GP on vinyl?

He is joined by such luminaries as Glen D Harden, James Burton, Al Perkins,Bernie Leadon, Linda Ronstandt and of course his soulmate the wonderful Emmylou Harris.

Gram described his songs as Cosmic American Music and that works for me. There are only 9 tracks on the album which only lasts for 36 minutes and 14 seconds. Nevertheless it is absolutely essential.

You will not hear better songs today.Absolute perfection.

Gram Parsons - Return of the Grievous Angel

Gram Parsons -$1000 Dollar Wedding

Saturday, 13 August 2022

Seen at King Tuts - The Jayhawks


The Jayhawks

Thursday 25th November 1993                         £6.50.           Ticket No: 00251

The final instalment in this series which started exactly one year ago and I would argue that it may well be the best.

Some of you may have heard/read this  story before but I think that it is worth repeating:

I have seen the Jayhawks on numerous occasions over the years.
However, the first time I saw them was at Glasgow's King Tut's Wah Wah Hut on Thursday 25th November 1993 (ticket number 00251  £6.50). Nearly 29 years ago - gosh!

I was there with Gogs, Donno and Donno's girlfriend (now his ex wife).
We were in an advanced state of excitement and many beers were consumed.
Those of you familiar with King Tuts will know it is mainly standing with a few seats at the back.
As you would expect we were right down the front. Donnos' girlfriend wanted to go up the back, we declined to accompany her and she went home in the huff.
After a truly fabulous concert and far too many beers we resolved that we would go and see  them the following night wherever they were playing.
I went back to Donno's flat and crashed out.
The next morning we woke with sore heads and still hungover  decided to find out where they were playing. This took some doing as it was in the days before mobile phones and t'internet.
We found out that they were playing in Whelans that night - in Dublin! and decided to go.
Gogs had gone off to work so we phoned citing a family emergency and that he was required to return home immediately.
We then set off for Stranraer to catch the ferry to Larne and drove down to Dublin arriving about 7.30 pm. We checked into a hotel and then headed for Whelans

We saw another terrific concert. At one stage after they had finished we cornered Gary Louris and Marc Perlman to regale them of our adventures. They a) were mightily impressed or  b) thought we were crazy (delete where appropriate).
We staggered out of Whelans and bumped into some folk going to see Maria McKee and decided to join them making it 3 gigs in 2 nights.
We stayed on Saturday and took it relatively easy going to a couple of pubs one of which featured a bog standard Steely Dan tribute band who may or may not have been called Reeling in the Years.

Remember Donno's girlfriend ? She hadn't seen him since storming out of King Tuts on Thursday and was expecting him for Sunday dinner. She got a shock to find out he was in Dublin.
Fast forward a few years and the Jayhawks are playing in the Garage in Glasgow  two days before their wedding. Cue one very nervous wife to be!

We did manage to chat with Sharleen Spiteri at the Garage as she had joined the band to sing Blue. Memorable as that was it doesn't compare to the first time. Sadly there was nothing out of the ordinary to report any other time I saw them.

Today's music comes from 1992's Hollywood Town Hall as that was their album out at the time.It has featured here a few times before so today I will concentrate on tracks that I think I haven't posted before

I have seen a few more acts at Tuts but haven't retained the tickets. A year seems long enough!

The Jayhawks - Waiting for the Sun

The Jayhawks - Clouds

The Jayhawks - Sister Cry

Friday, 12 August 2022

Swedefest -Something Smells Good in Stinksville


Grass - Show may not necessarily be the best band to grace Swedefest but they do win top prize for album name and cover.

Grass - Show were a Brit-pop inspired indie band from Sweden who were active from 1995-1997. Something Smells Good in Stinksville was their only album in the UK and was released in 1997 on the Food label.

The personnel were Peter Ågren -vocals and keyboards, Erik Kinell - vocals,guitars and bass, the non-Swedish sounding Andrew Dry on bass, Robert Gehring on guitar and background vocals and Mattias Moberg on drums.

There were three singles on the album and you are getting two of them. I shall also spare you their cover of the Ace of Bass song All That She Wants.

The album starts of promisingly but I was struggling a bit towards the end. Another listen is required to determine whether or not it is a keeper.

Grass- Show - 1962

Grass - Show - Out of the Void

Thursday, 11 August 2022

The Household Clearance cds. Part 13.


George writes:

As I think I mentioned in my previous post, I’m going to be more selective in the music posted. So I pick up a cd single by Captain Hollywood called Love and Pain. Four painful listening experiences, thumping beat, the words love and pain repeated seemingly ad infinitum with a few yeah-ehs. So I deliberately selected a Depeche Mode single next: there’s a couple of their albums here, a couple of singles and I thought  I’d be safe with this, the cd single It’s Called A Heart,  so three versions of that plus a couple of something called Fly On The Windscreen. It’s filed under Tedious and Gloomy on the ever-growing birdscare pile.

But I find something that could be portuguese, although the title doesn’t mean anything as far as I can make out it is called “OqueStrada”. Maybe Atlantic Beat (from the spine). So in it goes, and I plough through the notes, which as far as I can make out start with “ a disc with much iodine and atlantic breeze which repositions Portugal not as a door to the depths of Europe but as an entrance”. That doesn’t sound right. And it possibly isn’t, it could be “a door at the back of Europe”, maybe “the back door to Europe”, but coming from the atlantic that would be a front door. I’m a bit confused. The blurb also offers “a verandah with the best view of the world”. It’s an album of what I can most positively describe as quirky acoustic songs, and as I listen to it I am looking forward to the one called “Your eyes are swallows”. The lyrics are included, but you surely have had enough of bad translations by now, and don’t need to read about eyes being two pools that I want to see cry water from the hills to the sea. I think. Here is said song:

Atlantic Beat - Os teus olhos são andorinhas

That’s more fado than quirky. So here’s a quirky one

Atlantic Beat - Café solo

There’s only so much quirk these ears can take. By the way, I’ve never heard a portuguese person ask for a cafe solo, I thought that was spanish. Round these parts it’s “um café”, or “um cafezinho” for what you lot might think of as an espresso, or “um abatanado, faz favor”, my preference, which is a cup (of coffee)  of the size you lot might associate with tea.

My eyes sweep over the remaining pile and I quake and tremble at the thought of listening to two cds of Celtic Moods. And that’s not quaking and trembling with excitement, let me tell you that, and tell you no more. So I’m off to Elsinha’s for um abatanado, faz favor Elsa.

More nonsense next week

CC writes:

These two tracks could give Ernie Goggins a run for his money.

Tune in next week for the grand or not so grand finale

Celtic Moods perhaps??

Wednesday, 10 August 2022

Two More Legends Gone


The sad news of the death of Olivia Newton- John at the age of 73 following a  long battle with breast cancer began to filter through on Monday night.

There were some lovely tributes posted yesterday from RolJohn and Khayem. Although she is probably (rightly) best remembered for her role as Sandy in the film Grease like John I have a fondness for some of her earlier stuff particularly Banks of  the Ohio. Has a murder ballad ever been delivered in a more beautiful voice?

Rest easy Oliva

Olivia Newton-John - Banks of the Ohio

Shortly after the equally sad news of the death of Lamont Dozier at the age of 81 was announced. A member of Motown's greatest writing trio where he was sandwiched in between the Holland Brothers, Brian and Eddie.

Whereas he was a singer in his own right and an acclaimed producer he will be best remembers as part of the  Holland -Dozier- Holland team who penned many classic songs for the likes of The Supremes, The Four Tops and Martha and the Vandellas. Here is a list of their Songs  Thankfully both the Holland brothers are still with us ; Brian at the age of 81 and Eddie at 82.

Rest easy Lamont

Lamont Dozier - Put Out My Fire

Martha & the Vandellas - Nowhere to Run

The Four Tops - Reach Out, I'll be There

Tuesday, 9 August 2022

Scared to Dance


Scared to Dance was  the debut album from Dunfermline's finest band Skids which was first released in February 1979 on the Virgin label.There was a  re-release in 2005 taking the number of tracks up from 12 to 20. 

Last Night from Glasgow (LNFG) have a subsiduary label called Past Night from Glasgow (PNFC) which specialised in the re-release of classic albums mostly, but not exclusively Scottish

Scared to Dance (the 20 track version) is one of the latest ones to get this treatment and can be got from here

Vocals and lyrics by Richard Jobson, guitar and musical arrangements by the late Stuart Adamson, Billy Simpson on bass and Tom Kellichan on drums. Talking of lyrics it is the first time that I have ever seen the lyrics of Into the Valley which are somewhat different to what I thought. It remains the song that Dunfermline Athletic FC enter the field to.

I am always reluctant to trust my USB turntable with new vinyl so here is something I prepared earlier.

Ahoy! Ahoy!

Skids -Into the Valley

Skids - Scared to Dance

Monday, 8 August 2022

Venus and Mars


There is a pop up shop in Whithorn which is open a couple of times a week.

It is run by an elderly couple and sells a variety of things including the ladies art work and 60s and 70s LPs. Chatting to the man he said it started out as his collection but it is now supplemented by job lots from auctions, etc

I am not particularly a fan of the Beatles or the music of any of their individual members. However, I did have Band on the Run and Venus and Mars by Wings on pre-recorded cassette when I was in my early teens.

As Venus and Mars was only a couple of quid I felt obliged to buy it for nostalgic reasons. When I looked at the album it appeared a bit damaged and I mentioned this to the owner. On closer inspection the vinyl was by the Statler Brothers which might well have been better had it been in reasonable condition.

However he did have another copy complete with posters etc so I took it. There are superficial scratches on side one which my turntable can cope with but which my USB turntable does not like so here are a couple from side two.

Oh, and for older UK listeners I couldn't resist throwing in the Crossroads Theme.

Wings - Listen to What the Man Said

Wings - Treat Her Gently - Lonely Old People

Wings - Crossroads Theme