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Tuesday 4 June 2019

Kacy and Clayton

Canadian second  cousins Kacy Anderson and Clayton Linthicum have a new album  Carrying On coming out on the New West label in July - details here

All of which is an excuse to play a couple of songs from their current album The Siren's Song which was released in August 2017. Both albums are produced by a certain Mr Jeff Tweedy at The Loft Studio in Chicago
Americana of the highest order and one which first came to my attention via a Mojo compilation namely
The Mojo Machine Turns You On 2018 
An album so good that it made number 2 in my top 10 albums of 2018 only being denied the top spot by the brilliant Gracious Losers.

My birthday is in  July so this may well be my present to myself

Kacy & Clayton - White Butte Country

Kacy & Clayton - The Siren's Song