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Friday 28 June 2019


The second of last wekend's Compilation haul was Destroy! from Mojo magazine from July 2018.
It is a celebration of Punk from 1977. The year I turned 16 which was a great age to be for this musical revolution.
Some of the music has stood the test of time and much sadly hasn't. The DIY ethos ensured that some offerings were pretty rudimentary and others downright awful.
No standouts in this collection but one or two duds.Yours for 60p on Discogs

Not one I'm keeping although I have downloaded a third of the tracks. Here are three of them that are still worth a listen.


  1. True, there are some duds on this comp, but also a few more absolute corkers from the period, Alternative TV, Angelic Upstarts and Television Personalities among them.

  2. 3 good ones. I've got this cd somewhere too

  3. Lovely to see Sue Catwoman on your pages CC!

  4. Wire's album 'Pink Flag' (from which their track is taken) is also a corker!
