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Tuesday 8 March 2022

Modern Times


 2022 Charity Shop Purchases #16  - Bob Dylan - Modern Times

I think that I have mentioned in passing a couple of times that I am in the process of developing a database for my music. 
I've not gone down the Discogs route but rather have developed my own somewhat convoluted database both as a retirement project and to keep my limited IT skills intact.
I started by putting in new purchases and anything else by that artist and some random entries. I then decided that it would probably be better to start with A and record everything alphabetically. I'm now at D.

This has turned out to be quite handy as during a recent visit to a local charity shop there were two Bob Dylan CDs namely Modern Times  (2006) and Together Through Life (2009) Now I knew that I had both on the shelves but that one was a burn. The problem was  that I couldn't remember which one.
Fortunately I have been saving the most up to date version of the spreadsheet on Google Drive which means that I can access it from my phone

The spreadsheet was duly checked showing that Modern Times was in fact the burn. Modern Times was duly purchased.
Modern Times indeed.

Bob Dylan - Thunder on the Mountain

Bob Dylan - Rollin' and Tumblin'


  1. Nothing like a database project - Endless hours of fun (and obviously of vital importance to the discerning charity shop browser).

  2. Wow. You're like my IT hero.

  3. I'm so impressed at how well organised you are, as I am at Alyson's cataloguing - you're both database gods!

  4. Dinosaur that I am, I delighted in discovering the potential of Excel in the early 2000s for recording my collection and printing off said lists. Only problem was that these print outs ran to 30 hard copy pages and were a devil to look through as I flicked through the racks. In the end it became simpler just to accept that a certain %age of my purchases were gonna be duplicates! Got a smart phone now but still haven't utilised it to maximum benefit. Perhaps in 2023!
