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Wednesday, 28 March 2018

The Airborne Toxic Event

A rainy day meant a trip to Stranraer to take in the charity shops and other assorted delights.

In the Cat Protection League shop I stumbled across the 2008 debut album by Los Angeles band The Airborne Toxic League. Now I was not familiar with their music but the name rang a bell .I remembered vaguely that they had been featured by a blogger, possibly Drew? so I took a punt.

When I got home I confirmed that Drew has in fact sung their praised on a number of occasions.
I feel that you can tell that they are American. I can hear shades of Buffalo Tom in there and maybe a wee bit of the Wedding Present. They produce a splendid racket and it would be interesting to see them live although I would be worried about my ears.
Not sure that they are totally right up me street but well worth a couple of quid.

Talking of a couple of quid I had forgotten to bring a jumper. What is now affectionately  known as my Two Pound Tap was duly acquired!

The Airborne Toxic Event - Happiness is Overrated

The Airborne Toxic Event -The Winning Side


  1. First couple of albums are great but after that I kind of lost interest. I've bought the subsequent releases but they pale in comparison.

  2. Like Drew, I really liked their first couple of albums then kind of lost touch with them. I did see them live though, probably about ten years ago, and it was a good show... though hardly the loudest I've been to.

  3. Played both tracks without curtailment.

  4. I once ripped the erse outta the only trews I had with me (a pair of Levis) on a weekend visit to my late MumInLaw's at Auchterhoose. I slid effortlessly into my old Rover and drove to Blairgowrie, bought a suitable replacement pair in a charidee shoppe for £2 and then scooped a lovely wee collection of Anne and Laura Brand's "Waverley" EPs for 20p each in the same shop. Lovely. Charidee Shoppes are the new Department Stores.
