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Friday 23 February 2024

The Rum Shack baby


Monday Barbara Dickson at the Royal Concert Hall, Saturday Savage Mansion at the Rum Shack. That's how I rock

It was the first time I had been to the Rum Shack on Glasgow's South Side. It is an impressively large venue and much less claustrophobic than the likes of the Glad Cafe and the Hug and Pint. The only downside was the price of the drinks.£4.75 for a can of Red Stripe and £6.20 for a pint of Bitter & Twisted. Well it is in Strathbungo which is Hipster central. Lots of man buns on display, far more that at Barbara Dickson!

The concert was primarily  to launch The  Shakes the new album by Savage Mansion on the Pictish Trail's Lost Map label.

First up was Northern Irish singer Martha Ffion who also coincidentally happens to be married to Craig Angus the frontman of Savage Mansion. I have her previous album Nights to Forget  here and so was keen to hear her performing songs from her newish album The Wringer. I was not disappointed.

The second act consisted of about a dozen ridiculously young musicians known collectively as Mallet Space. They seemed to be enjoying themselves but I'm afraid their music did nothing for this old fogey.

Finally the main act Savage Mansion came on with a set that heavily featured The Shakes. As I wrote here they put me in mind of Pavement which let's face it is no bad thing.

All in all it was a good night particularly as Mrs CC dropped me off and picked me up. I made good use of my Christmas money by picking up both The Wringer and The Shakes which after a first listen seem to be   well worth having.. Here are the title tracks from both.

Martha Ffion - The Wringer

Savage Mansion - The Shakes


  1. I was intrigued by Mallet Space purely because of their name. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any of their work online, so I'll have to take your word.

    1. A squad of kids Doubt they've released anything

  2. An OK couple of tracks there - enough to make me listen to any other songs of theirs if I come across them.
