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Sunday 11 February 2024

Shazam Sunday 10


I pretty quickly recognised the first tune as being by Blur. From the brief snippet it took a quick Shazam to confirm that it was in fact Coffee and TV from their 6th album 1999's 13. Clearly one that I should listen to more often. Indeed, I could probably say that for every Blur album.

It was the second single from the album peaking at number 11 in the singles chart. It was written by guitarist Graham Coxon who sang lead vocals rather than Damian Albarn. I'm afraid I have no details of where I Shazamed this from.

I know where I got Silk by Wolf Alice from. It is from a scene from the Scottish soap opera River City where the gangster Lenny Murdoch shoots sleazy lawyer Alistair Campbell Bannerman. I appreciate that this will mean nothing to 99.9% of the audience. This song has been seen  6.6 million  times on You Tube. I only looked at it when preparing this post.

That's the Shazam files exhausted for now. I shall return with a further batch in due course.

Blur -Coffee and TV

Wolf Alice - Silk


  1. I picked up a Wolf Alice album in a charity hop yesterday.

    I used to be a huge Blur fan, but I really struggle to listen to them nowadays. I'm not sure why.

    1. I once bought an album by Wolfmother mistaking then with Wolf Alice!
      I'm the same re Blur.

  2. Did you give me that Wolfmother album? Because I have somehow acquired a cd copy of "Wolfmother" by Wolfmother

  3. The most recent 'comeback' album by Blur, while not being as majestic/brilliant as some music critics would have you believe, is a more than decent listen. It also has a great sleeve, with the image being of the outdoor pool at Gourock.
