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Saturday 10 February 2024

Saturday Shuffle 41


Count yourselves very fortunate today, The first song that popped up on the shuffle for today was Mississippi Queen by Mountain. Quite what it was doing on the MP3 I have no idea. Part of a compilation perhaps? Anyway the good news was that I couldn't find it on the hard drive and I was not inclined to try and track it down.

Therefore the first song today is from our cover star the late great Bettye Swann. She was active in the field from 1964 to 1980 before becoming a Jehovah's Witness. Sadly she died last January aged 79. Tell it Like it Is was probably her most famous song.

I have the next band filed as The Chesaterslicks. That actually should read The Cheater Slicks who are a three man garage pop band founded in Boston in 1987. This song is one of two by them from the compilation. 21st Century Rockabilly: Volume Two.

Finally the act who benefitted from Mountain's exclusion are L'il Cap'n Travis an Austin band who I discovers on one of my trips to SXSW at the beginning of the century

Bettye Swan - Tell it Like It Is

The Cheater Slicks -You're Untrue

L'il Cap'n Travis - I Don't Wanna Go Out Tonite


  1. Mississippi Queen is a damned good tune, you should have made the effort.

    1. I just won a bet with myself.

    2. Brilliant. These two comments make my day. - Brian
