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Thursday 1 February 2024

Songs By Bands I Don't Like 2 - A Guest Series


George writes:

Some artistes just invite derision. Their whole demeanour just seems to annoy. The most obvious person was that former teacher of English Gordon Summer. But the song that inspired this series is by a group with that bloody annoying Irishman in it. 

I played the two songs today lying on the bed at the farm with Billy. The first one did meet with a look of disapproval (he was settling down for a hard-earned rest after returning from his afternoon siesta next door), and his mood was not improved with the second tune, especially the musical interlude at about 2 mins. 20 seconds.

“Beautiful day”  is a very finely crafted pop song (when I was listening to it previously  I was rudely  interrupted, FFS, with a “you don’t like U2” from my partner). No early-on vocal histrionics in this song a la Whitney, no off-key verses, no tedious guitar interlude from a bloke with a  stupid bloody name, just a simple, memorable and uplifting song.

U2 - Beautiful Day

THAT is one damned fine song. One, though, with that voice is enough, two in a row would just grate. There is a U2 cd in the house, but is most certainly not in my music room. That’s probably a first appearance on these pages for them.

The second lot are loved by millions. Millions and millions. Not by me, and not by Mr CC who might dislike them more than I. This might be what Ernie would describe as “trying too hard to be contrary”, but nevertheless, We Do Not Like Them. There is one song that has somehow sneaked through my Wall of Contrairiness:

ELO have made a career based on that single song.

CC writes

You are quite correct George it is the first time that the tax dodger and U2 have "graced" these pages. I don't think too many will disagree with your choice. Under the Blood Red Sky is their only listenable album.

I would imagine that lots of folk will disagree with your second selection. You are correct again I don't particularly like them but there are a good few of their albums here as Mrs CC likes them. She also likes ELO! I don't actively dislike them as much as I used to do. I must be mellowing in my old age.

This however is a very good song.

The Beatles - A Day in the Life


  1. Well, CC, this is a first - the same U2 song featured on both our blogs within the space of 24 hours. What is the world coming to?

    As for the other lot, I've probably bored people with my Beatles opinions far too many times in the past, but when has that ever stopped me? Had a big Beatles phase in my 20s, then got fed up of them and their sheer ubiquitousness (it's a word if I want it to be a word). I can now only listen to a selection of their songs and would rather listen to Sir Thumbs Aloft on his own, if I had the choice.

    All that said, I Am The Walrus would not be on my selected listening list.

    1. Rol, looks like we may be in danger of being drummed out of the Brownies!

  2. I don't like the anti ELO sentiments creeping in here. I'm firmly in Mrs CC's camp on them. Maybe she should be given a regular 'Voice of Reason' column.

    1. I second this. It sometimes seems like George gets more attention in the Chateau de CC than the good lady of the manor...

  3. Touchy subject U2. I think of that old British film The Singer Not The Song in their case but invert it to The Song Not The Singer which allows me to like their stuff much more. As it happens I was in on U2 in their very early days (Boy, October etc) before the transubstantiation of HRH Bono and therefore don't have such a jaundiced view. As for the Beatles, well....... they're The Beatles. Full stop. As for '"contrariness" you might as well say that about anyone attempting to extend artistic creative boundaries.
