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Saturday 30 January 2021

Let's Kill Saturday Night


Not again - the fifth instalment of the accidental Saturday Night series. Is it ever going to end?

Of course it will but not just yet.Another four stonkers for you today.

Let's start with an artist I know nothing about Ella Mae Morse. Thanks to the internet I now know she is not the inventor of Morse code but that she was a singer of popular music in the 40s and 50s whose recordings mixing jazz, blues, and country styles influenced the development of rock'n'roll. Evey day's a school day, including Saturdays.

From the following era Ella Mae is joined by the mighty Dion Di Mucci. A Wanderer he may have been which may explain why he was continually Lookin' for the Heart of Saturday Night.

When he found it he may have been tempted to have a little boogie where he may well have been joined by Barry Ian Green better know as the legend that is Barry Blue.

TIme to finish by taking the enjoyment down a notch or two with a hero of mine Mr Robbie Fulks with the title track from his only mainstream album and the one which is probably his worst. Confirmation, as if it was needed, that some of the best artists are better placed out left field..

Ella Rae Morse - Tennessee Saturday Night

Dion - Lookin' For The Heart of Saturday Night

Barry Blue - Dancin' on a Saturday Night

Robbie Fulks - Let's Kill Saturday Night

Four more for you next Satuday I'm afraid.


  1. Hey there Mister Blue...

  2. Thought you might come around to Mr. Fulks. An often maligned album... unfairly, I think. Just not as good as previous releases.

    1. Brian,
      I’ve just listened to it all the way through.Two or three good songs but let’s just say that I’m glad that it wasn’t my introduction to his music

    2. On that we agree. Nobody should start here, and it isn’t a vital album.

  3. I've just checked and there's at least 2 dozen cover versions of (Looking for) The Heart of Saturday Night.

    Howzabout Gary Clark's live cover of The Blue Nile's "Saturday Night" (which I think is beautiful)
