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Wednesday, 7 December 2016

The Boy Who Cried Wolf

Another Charity Shop faux pas to report today  along reasonably similar lines to the recent Bliss incident although this time the crime is somewhat more heinous.

I'm getting in my excuses early. I was flushed with success after having picked up Buffalo Tom, Grinderman and the Yeah Yeah Yeahs.
There is a very slight similarity in the album covers (or then again maybe not)

Yes, I'm afraid it's true. Instead of coming away with the debut album of the critically acclaimed   North London band Wolf Alice instead I had in my hand the debut album of Australian hard rock band Wolfmother.
A mistake I did not realise until I was at the other side of the till.
I've not got to the end of it but as you would expect it is pretty awful.
I shall either dispense with it from whence it came or pass on to one of my less discerning pals (one has paid over 50 quid to see Rush whereas another has taken his kids to see the Michael Schenker Group)
Me, I'm off to the opticians


  1. Do Social Services know about the MSG incident? They should be told, you know...

    1. I believe they may have received an anonymous call.

  2. That Wolfmother track is belting! I've got this somewhere.

  3. I saw the MSG once, along time ago, they were pish.

    Never knowingly listened to either of the Wolf's

    1. I saw UFO once, they too were pish. I'm not sure if Michael Shenker was in the band at the time.

  4. I have to say at first glance of the front cover I thought it was a Meatloaf album.

  5. Could have been worse. You could have thought you were buying a B52s album and ended up with U2.

  6. Reminds me of another near catastrophe... Firehouse when I wanted fIREHOSE. Unlike you, I caught it in time. The hype around Wolf Alice has calmed down a bit. You may find it in the shops more often now. Not bad at all.

  7. Replies
    1. Indeed - that would have been a couple of steps up from a faux pas

  8. I saw Rush once, a very long time ago............I'll get me coat.

  9. I love everything about this post. And the comments!

  10. I saw UFO with Schenker at the Apollo on the Mechanix tour also pish
