Last Hogmanay I posted The Colours by The Men They Couldn't Hang.
It struck me when considering today's post that TMTCH are probably the perfect band to play today even although they are not Scottish.
Rightly best known for their version of The Green Fields of France (the only song to have appeared twice on CCM so far) they are not a one trick pony and have produced some great records.
Indeed, Night of a Thousand Candles is just outside the Top 10 albums of all time and will be 30 years old in 2015. One of my New Year's resolutions should really be to get round to finishing that series.
Their next two albums How Green is the Valley and Waiting for Bonaparte were not too shabby either
Wishing you and yours a happy, healthy and prosperous 2015.
The Men They Couldn't Hang - Ironmasters
The Men They Couldn't Hang - Ghosts of Cable Street
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Wednesday, 31 December 2014
Tuesday, 30 December 2014
They Survived the St Andrews Bargain Bin Cull ... Just #3
To the best of my knowledge Other Eras ...Such as Witchcraft from 1997 on A&M Records is the only album ever released by Old Hickory.
I have been able to find out next to nothing about them other than they were a 5 piece American band
One of the few reviews I could find describes them as Alternative Indie Rock and Post Grunge and goes on to state:
The band serves up their pop with a fuzzy, other-worldly, feedback-laden buzz that is anything but bubblegum. The result is fairly psychedelic--infectious pop hooks woven around some seriously spacey guitar layers, a combination that hasn't been this well-explored since the arrival of the Flaming Lips. From the Replacements-esque "Spur Eye" to "Settle Down" and "Broken," which are clearly influenced by Pavement, Old Hickory cranks them out with just the right balance of sonic grit and winning pop sensibility. Bose
For me I can see some comparisons to the heavier end of Americana such as Wilco and in particular Centro-matic.
Not bad at all.One more to go
Old Hickory - Drain the Lake
Old Hickory - Diamonds or Coffeecake
Monday, 29 December 2014
One Down, One to Go
I saw Richard Thompson play a spellbinding set in the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall shortly after the death of Denis Thatcher.
He made some comment about Mr T's demise to which a wag from the crowd loudly retorted "one down, one to go" to thunderous applause.
Not only is he one of the greatest guitarists of his generation (Richard, not Denis) he is also a very underestimated songwriter as these two songs clearly demonstrate.
Taken from Action Packed -The Best of the Capitol Years purchased in Bordeaux in an extremely hungover state with George in attendance
Richard Thompson - I Feel So Good
Richard Thompson - Beeswing
Sunday, 28 December 2014
Some Sunday Soul
It is Sunday today isn't it?
At this time of the year you can loose all track as to what day of the week it is.
So IF it is Sunday it must be Sunday Soul.
Ike Turner was a drug addled wife beater and control freak. Tina Turner sang Simply the Best.
However, together they made some great music.
No apologies for selecting their most famous tune Nutbush City Limits as nothing else they ever did surpassed it. Sweet Rhode Island Red came pretty close however
Ike and Tina Turner - Nutbush City Limits
Ike and Tina Turner -Sweet Rhode Island Red
Saturday, 27 December 2014
Saturday Lucky Dip
I've never really got The Kings of Leon
I got their debut album Youth and Young Manhood when it came out but haven't listened to it in ages.
Also I've never felt a pressing desire to obtain anything else of theirs even when I come across it cheap in Charity Shops.
Therefore I can only assume that Red Hot and Regal - Kings of Leon -Roots , Friends and Influences a Mojo Compilation from July 2009 was acquired when the magazine was purchased for some holiday reading.
The Followhill Brothers and cousin Matthew were good clean living and God fearing boys before the vices of Sex, Drugs and Rock'n' Roll gradually reeled then in.
Given that their father was a United Pentecostal Church preacher it is save to assume that they were exposed to a bit of country gospel such as the first number.
Friends featured include The Kills, Jason Lytle, Dan Auerbach and My Morning Jacket. I've gone for The Cribs whom I'm not familiar with but this is a mighty fine record.
The Maddox Brothers and Rose - When God Dips His Love in my Heart
The Cribs - Girls Like Mystery
Friday, 26 December 2014
God Only Knows What I'd Be Without You
The Beach Boys could be said to be somewhat unseasonal Christmas fayre (in the Northern Hemisphere at least).
However they are one of Mrs CC's favourites and as it is her birthday (she was born the day after the Baby Jesus as she never tires of telling the nephews) these are for her even if the songs are older than she is!
We shall celebrate in the traditional way by wining and dining both sides of the family
The Beach Boys - God Only Knows
The Beach Boys - I Just Wasn't Made for these Times
Thursday, 25 December 2014
Happy Shane's Day
It's Christmas Day and indeed Shane Patrick Lysaght MacGowan's birthday
What are you doing reading this when you could be-
Preparing dinner/arguing with relatives/ looking for batteries for devices which came without them/ listening to the Queen's speech/ tidying up/ watching rubbish on telly/ falling asleep watching rubbish on telly/drinking profusely?
But then again .........
The Pogues - Fiesta
Wednesday, 24 December 2014
The Calm Before The Storm
It is Christmas Eve.
Off work until January 5th.
Time to relax with a glass in hand prior to a couple of hectic days.
And what better way than to sit and watch the greatest Christmas film of all time It's a Wonderful Life and to listen to the greatest Christmas album of all time Phil Spector's A Christmas Gift for You.
Merry Christmas to you and yours and I hope that Santa is good to you
The Ronettes - I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus
The Crystals - Santa Claus is Comin' to Town
Tuesday, 23 December 2014
Variations on a Christmas Theme
It is an interesting state of affairs when a song by Low can be said to be cheerier that from what has gone before.
If You Were Born Today (Song for the Little Baby Jesus) is perhaps not the most cheery song in the world but compared to yesterday's Johnny Cash offerings it is positively uplifting.
We stay on the indie theme and indeed the birthday theme with something much more cheery altogether from Saint Etienne with I was Born on Christmas Day.
The cheeriest of cheery Christmas songs tomorrow
Tune into Sexy Loser for Dirk's Christmas Mix
Low - If You Were Born Today (Song for the Little Baby Jesus)
Saint Etienne - I Was Born on Christmas Day
Monday, 22 December 2014
The Man in Black and The Man Upstairs
The Christmas Collection by Johnny Cash is not for the faint hearted.
Recorded in 2003 during his wilderness years there are no references to Santa Claus, commercialism, consumerism or people enjoying themselves.
Oh no - rather it is all hymns and homilies delivered with the fervour of a true believer.
However, even non- believers cannot fail to be inspired by the majesty of the Man in Black.
This first song is just crying out to be covered by The Handsome Family.
And if you or the family are moaning about what you need to get in for Christmas or if the kids have a list for Santa as long as your arm the second "song" may give you food for thought.
Remember in Country music land Christmas is not a time for enjoying yourself!
Johnny Cash -Ringing the Bells for Jim
Johnny Cash - Christmas as I Knew it
Sunday, 21 December 2014
Some Sunday Christmas Soul
As it is the Sunday before Christmas it is perhaps time for some Christmas Soul and who better to kick is off than the Reverend himself.
It has to be said, however, that The Christmas Album, is probably not Al Green's finest half hour. Nevertheless he enthusiastically embraces his subject as one would expect from a man of the cloth.
I've stopped short of providing you with two of Al's seasonal offerings.
Rather, for the second choice we have something better altogether and something I suspect will feature/have featured at Drew's place.
It's Johnny and Jon with Christmas from Vietnam from 1966 in my case taken from the fabulous Kent album A Soldier's Sad Song -Vietnam through the eyes of Black America 1966-73
Al Green - Silent Night
Johnny and Jon - Christmas in Vietnam
Saturday, 20 December 2014
Saturday Christmas Lucky Dip
Time to raid the Christmas CDs for this week's Saturday Lucky Dip.
Mrs CC came home the other week with a couple of compilation CDs including Home for the Holidays.
A pleasant piece of easy listening.
Whilst some of the usual suspects feature - including Santa Baby and The Most Wonderful Time of the Year - there are also some new ones to these ears including these splendid offerings from Louis Armstrong and Lou Rawls.
Neither have featured to my knowledge on the Smooth Radio Christmas station which Mrs CC appears to have been playing from around about October.
Somewhat inexplicably neither Home for the Holidays nor Smooth Radio has opted to feature The Sensational Alex Harvey Band with There's No Lights on the Christmas Tree Mother,They're Burning Big Louie Tonight which is criminally negligent of them.
This comes courtesy of Big Rock Candy Mountain a less than prolific blog but one that comes into it's own at this time of year.
Louis Armstrong with the Commanders - Cool Yule
Low Rawls - Christmas Is
Sensational Alex Harvey Band - There's No Lights on the Christmas Tree Mother
More random nonsense of a non Christmas variety next Saturday
Friday, 19 December 2014
Friday Night is Hillbilly Night
Friday night is Hillbilly Night on CCM courtesy of BR5-49.
An American and indeed talented equivalent to East 17 in that they also were named after a post code or zip code as our cousins across the pond would have it.
Little Ramona is taken from their eponymous 1996 debut with Hillbilly Thang being taken from their great mini album Live at Robert's - Roberts being Robert's Western World, 416 Broadway, Nashville if you are ever in the hood.
I saw them play The Renfrew Ferry and they were absolutely terrific.
As is often the way the band has undergone various personnel changes over the years even losing their hyphen in the process
BR5-49 -Little Ramona (Gone Hillbilly Nuts)
BR5-49 -Hillbilly Thang
Thursday, 18 December 2014
The Skids - Side 2
I've finished In a Big Country the biography of Stuart Adamson by Allan Glen.
It is ok as biographies go with the careers of the Skids and Big Country recorded in chronological order and a decent discography.
Disappointingly none of the members of either band were willing to participate in the book and the material is gleaned namely from the music press and local newspapers.
I suspect that the book will not tell fans of the bands much more that the already know although until I read the book I was unaware that Richard Jobson had been briefly married to Mariella Frostrup
As the book points out it was no surprise that a member of the Skids went on to have a successful career in music. It was a bit of a surprise at the time however that it was Adamson as opposed to Jobson.
Jobson and his enormous ego went off to do TV and film gradually disappearing up his own backside.
He did write some great tunes though!
Skids -Scared to Dance
Skids -Working for the Yankee Dollar
Wednesday, 17 December 2014
They Survived the St Andrews Bargain Bin Cull ... Just #2
Those of you who survived the Spinto Band have probably opened this post with a degree of trepidation.
I would argue that this week's offering is considerably better- others may choose to disagree.
This week's CD saved from the bin is The Things We Do by Angela McCluskey on Manhatten Records from 2004.
Apparently she is Scottish but is based in Hollywood, California where she is married to composer Paul Cantelon.
She also is a member of the folk rock group The Wild Colonials.
I would describe her music as Amy Winehouse lite - pleasant enough but obviously not in the same league.
Angela McCluskey - It's Been Done
Angela McCluskey - Love is Stronger Than Death
Tuesday, 16 December 2014
Fender Stratocaster
Tom Morton on his Radio Scotland show Morton Through Midnight played Fender Stratocaster by Jonathan Richman the other night.
I thought to myself I think I may have that somewhere and do you know what I was right.
It is on his eponymous album on Special Delivery Records from 1989.
Drew used the word gusto in one of his recent posts.
This serves as a cue for a CCM first - some poetry from the great man (that's Jonathan not Drew!)
Amusing, but I don't expect that many will play it more than once.Quite topical given all the gluttony we are about to subject ourselves to.
Being Jonathan, he placed it as the first track on side 2 as opposed to the last.
Jonathan Richman - Fender Stratocaster
Jonathan Richman - Action Packed
Jonathan Richman - I Eat with Gusto, Damn! You Bet
Monday, 15 December 2014
These Boots are Made for Singing
Victoria Christina Hesketh better known as Little Boots shot to fame with her 2009 album Hands.
I acquired a copy a few months ago in a charity shop and have just got round to giving it a listen.
It is a pleasant piece of light electronic pop which reached number 5 in the UK albums charts.
She had previously been a member of the all girl band Dead Disco.
She followed up Hands with an EP Illuminations in 2009 and the album Nocturnes in 2013 which only reached number 45.
At the time of Hands coming out she was touted as the next big thing - however that honour seems to have gone to Ellie Goulding instead.
That's pop music for you.
Little Boots - Stuck on Repeat
Little Boots -Hearts Collide
Sunday, 14 December 2014
Some Sunday Soul
This week's featured artist is Erma Vernice Franklin (1938 -2002).
Best known for Piece of My Heart later memorably covered by Janis Joplin.
She was perhaps overshadowed by young sister Aretha for whom along with their other sister Carolyn she often sang backing vocals for including on Aretha's signature tune Respect.
She was however an excellent singer in her own right as these two songs from the early 60s clearly demonstrate.
An excellent soul voice with a touch of jazz which sometimes verged towards easy listening. Certainly easy on the ears and much under rated.
Her father the Reverend C.L.Franklin could also belt out a good tune although not quite as easy on the ear as those of his daughters.
Erma Franklin - Ev'rytime We Say Goodbye
Erma Franklin - Love is Blind
Saturday, 13 December 2014
Saturday Lucky Dip Live
For quite possibly one week only Saturday Lucky Dip goes live with a couple of noise terrorists courtesy of Uncut - May 2001.
First up is Mark E Smith with one of the many manifestations of The Fall from The Fall live in Cambridge 1988.
This is followed by Jello Biafra and the boys with Holidays in Cambodia recorded live in the Elite Club, San Francisco on 20th March 1982. Taken from Dead Kennedys Live! From the San Francisco Bay Area.
I'm not a huge fan of live tracks but these two are absolute belters.
If the Fall track appears as The Poets- When the Revolution Comes and the DK's even more bizzarely as Funky Woman by Maceo please do not adjust your sets- it is just a quirk of my burning software.
More random nonsense next Saturday
The Fall - Hit the North (Live)
The Dead Kennedys -Holidays in Cambodia (Live)
Friday, 12 December 2014
Some Sound Advice from Loretta
With the Christmas Party season now upon us it is time for some wise words from The Coal Miner's Daughter Ms Loretta Lynn.
She then follows this up with a salutary warning for any woman with the nerve to have designs on her man.
The moral of the story is clear - you wouldn't take a broken pay packet home to Loretta!
And no, I have no idea who Hank is!
Loretta Lynn - Don't Come Home a Drinkin' (With Lovin' on Your Mind)
Loretta Lynn - You Ain't Woman Enough
Thursday, 11 December 2014
A Stray Cats Single of Sorts - The Race is On
The final single in the box and technically not really a Stray Cats single.
This cover of The Race is On a song made famous by the great George Jones features on Dave Edmunds Twangin' album.
He was producing the Stray Cats at this time so got them along to assist him.
Released as a single it charted in the UK singles charts on 20th June 1981 peaking at number 34 and was on the charts for just 6 weeks.
The song was written by George Jones and Don Rollins and has also been covered by Jack Jones , country band Sawyer Brown, the Grateful Dead and Alvin and the Chipmonks!
I suspect that George and Dave's versions are the only ones worthy of a listen.
The b-side (I'm Gonna Start) Living Again if it Kills Me is written by Dave, Nick Lowe and Nick's then wife Carlene Carter
Dave Edmunds with The Stray Cats - The Race is On
Dave Edmunds- (I'm Gonna Start) Living Again if it Kills Me
Wednesday, 10 December 2014
They Survived the St Andrews Bargain Bin Cull ... Just #1
Mrs CC returned from a trip to St Andrews with her mother armed with 10 CDs purchased for 50p a piece from a bargain bin in Oxfam.
They were chosen primarily because of the name or the cover.
Five were so godamm awful that they were rapidly dispatched from whence they came.
It has to be said that none of the other five are classics but after much consideration they were retained and added to the CC shelves.
The Rembrandts have previously featured which leaves four more to subject you to.
First up is Moonwink by The Spinto Band (chosen because of the cover I suspect).
From Wilmington, Delaware this is their seventh studio album released on Park the Van Records in 2008.
Other than that I know no more. The singer is either guitarist Nick Krill or bassist Thomas Hughes.
Whoever it is his voice is a somewhat curious combination of Alex Kapranos from Franz Ferdinand and Mika.
The Spinto Band - Vivian, Don't
The Spinto Band - Pumpkins & Paisley
Tuesday, 9 December 2014
The Pride of Dunfermline
I have just started reading In a Big Country a biography of Stuart Adamson by Alan Glen.
He was part of the two biggest bands ever to have come out of Dunfermline namely the Skids and Big Country.
Nazareth, Jethro Tull's Ian Anderson and Barbara Dickson are probably the only other artists of note to originate from this Fife town which was once the ancient capital of Scotland.
I've got as far as the Skids section and I must admit that I prefer them to Big Country.
The book had me reaching for a four track EP released by Virgin in 1983 which could be said to be a mini Best of.
Side 1 today with the mighty Into the Valley, still blasted from the tannoy at Dunfermline FC home games, followed by the not quite so mighty but still pretty impressive Masquerade.
Side 2 to follow in due course.
Skids - Into The Valley
Skids - Masquerade
Monday, 8 December 2014
The Blues Collection - Bessie Smith
It has been a wee while since The Blues Collection has featured on CCM. It has been even longer since a female artiste has featured probably as far back as Koko Taylor about a year ago.
So it gives me great pleasure to feature The Empress of the Blues herself the great Bessie Smith.
Born in either 1892 or 1894 (accounts vary) in Chattanooga, Tennessee she died in 1937 following a car accident near Clarksdale.
Hugely popular in the 1920s and the 1930s as a Blues singer and as a major influence on the burgeoning jazz movement she generated a degree of controversy due to her bisexuality and relationship with fellow singer Gertrude Saunders.
The two songs featured are from the 1920's and the quality of recording is pretty impressive given their vintage.
From 25th August 1928 and recorded in New York we start with Me and My Gin.
This is followed by Kitchen Man again recorded in New York, this time on 8th May 1929, a song brimming with innuendos, double entendres and euphemisms.
Bessie Smith - Me and my Gin
Bessie Smith - Kitchen Man
Sunday, 7 December 2014
Some Sunday Soul
Whilst doing my "research" for last week's Little Anthony post I looked out my copies of Volumes 1 to 6 of the Talcum Soul series.
The first of the series is subtitled The Sounds of Stateside and track one is the Northern Soul classic Seven Days Too Long by Chuck Woods from 1966 written by JR Bailey and Vernon Harrell.
Now I know next to nothing about Chuck Woods but I suspect that from the song, the picture and the blurb above he could fairly accurately be described as a Young Soul Rebel.
And the fact that Seven Days Too Long was covered by Dexys suggests that he could well have been one of the ones that Kevin Rowland was Searching For.
Chuck Woods - Seven Days Too Long
Dexys Midnight Runners - Seven Days Too Long
Saturday, 6 December 2014
Saturday Lucky Dip
It looks as though the Red Hot and Cool compilation gracing the CCM shelves came free with Red magazine.
It is billed as 10 -chilled out tracks -the perfect soundtrack to a Sunday morning.
Now Sunday as you all know equals soul so you are getting this on Saturday.
It features the likes of Moby, Groove Armada, Kinobe and Jon Hopkins - pleasant enough but not really my cup of tea.
It also has The Facts of Life by Black Box Recorder which is not too shabby.
My idea of chill out music is probably more some Southern Soul or a wee bit of murder and misery courtesy of a country song or two.
Somewhat bizarrely The Ballad of Cable Hogue by Calexico is on the CD and rather neatly fits that bill.
More random nonsense next Saturday
Black Box Recorder - The Facts of Life
Calexico -Ballad of Cable Hague
Friday, 5 December 2014
Les Johnson and Me
Had I owned 15 Hands by Les Johnson and Me when the Tartan Texans series was on the go it would most certainly have been included.
Available on Holy Smokes Records it features the rich baritone of Kenny McDonald a well -kent face on the Glasgow Americana music scene and has been described as somewhere between Jim Reeves, Johnny Cash and Tennessee Ernie Ford with a distinctly Glaswegian twang.
There is backing from the Shiverin' Sheiks and other Glasgow musical luminaries.
Dear Marvin is a fantastically off beat duet with Katie McArthur sharing the vocals.
It also puts me in mind of the Bloodshot act of Rex Hobart and the Misery Boys and also The Hacienda Brothers which is no bad thing.
All twelve songs written by Kenny. Pretty impressive given that he only wrote his first song at the tender age of 46.
Les Johnson and Me will be appearing at Stereo in Glasgow on 11th December 2014 as part of the Holy Smokes volume 4 night.
Thoroughly recommended.
Les Johnson and Me - Fifteen Hands
Les Johnson and Me -Dear Marvin
Thursday, 4 December 2014
Stray Cat Singles -(She's) Sexy and Seventeen
The fourth single in the Stray Cats box and something of a return to form.
From Rant and Rave With the Stray Cats their third album (She's) Sexy and Seventeen was their fifth of six singles to chart entering the UK singles chart on 6th August 1983 remaining in the charts for 9 weeks and peaking at number 29.
Both the single and the b-side Lookin' Better Every Beer were penned by Brian Setzer.
It was a bigger success in the States reaching number 5 following on from Rock this Town and Stray Cat Strut which were both released in 1982 considerably later than from when they were hits in the UK.
One more to go.
Stray Cats - (She's) Sexy and Seventeen
Stray Cats - Lookin' Better Every Beer
Wednesday, 3 December 2014
Going Back to Houston to Get Me Some Pants
Odelay from 1996 is Beck's 5th studio album and the one that I would argue is his best - others may choose to disagree.
It is certainly his most commercially successful and most critically acclaimed.
It's got a little bit of everything on it - hip hop,rap, country, blues, jazz and psychadilia.
And some truly bizare lyrics
This list from Paste Magazine gives a flavour of his lyrics over the years - a bit Dylanesque I feel or bonkers depending on your point of view.
I've had a Devils haircut in my mind for the last few days which inspired me to post this
I hadn't listened to this in ages but had a good sing-a-long to it in the car today on the way back from work
Beck -Devils Haircut
Beck - Where's It At
Tuesday, 2 December 2014
I'm Tense and Nervous and I Can't Relax
![]() |
Why a big suit? |
Part of me wants to state that Stop Making Sense by Talking Heads is one of the top 10 albums of all time.
However, given that it is taken from the concert movie featuring the band live on stage it probably constitutes a sort of greatest hits and therefore probably does not make the criteria that is normally used when making such lists.
I am tempted to replace it in the top 10 with 77 but realistically that would make the long list as opposed to the short list.
Nevertheless Stop Making Sense is absolutely terrific. I saw the film at the GFT (Glasgow Film Theatre) along with The Ramones' Rock'n'Roll High School. It is probably the only music DVD that I have ever watched on more than half a dozen occasions.
Ce que j'ai fais, ce soir la
Ce qu'elle a dit, ce soir la
Realisant mon espoir
Je me lance, vers la gloire ... OK
Talking Heads -Psycho Killer
Talking Heads - Burning Down The House
Monday, 1 December 2014
My Drunken Haze
This picture is guaranteed to hack off all of us in the Northern Hemisphere who are currently experiencing the colds of winter.
It features a Greek Band My Drunken Haze who have just released their self titled debut album on Inner Ear Records
According to the blurb it is an album starring the character of a woman in search of love, longing, separation and redemption, set against a backdrop of daydreaming, drugs and the hot sand of a summer beach.
Vocals by the wonderfully named ethereal singer Matina Sous Peau
Beats a Glasgow winter!
My Drunken Haze - Yellow Balloon
Sunday, 30 November 2014
Some Sunday Soul
This week it is the turn of Little Anthony and the Imperials to grace the Sunday Soul slot.
A doo wop and rhythm and blues group they have been on the go since 1958 and feature the falsetto voice and golden tonsils of one Anthony Gourdine better known as Little Anthony.
In chronological order we start in 1964 with Goin' Out of my Head recorded on the DCP label with whom they had 5 hits in a 12 month period.
By 1966 they were on the Veep label with another head song Better Use Your Head released in April 1966
Followed in August 1966 with Gonna Fix You Good (Every Time You're Bad)
Hard working bands in those days churning out records every couple of months
There have been too many Imperials over the years to give them all a name check
Mr Gourdine is still going strong and still performing touring with David Gest's Legends of Soul.
Little Anthony and the Imperials - Goin' Out of my Head
Little Anthony and the Imperials - Better Use Your Head
Little Anthony and the Imperials - Gonna Fix You (Every Time You're Bad)
Saturday, 29 November 2014
Saturday Lucky Dip
Today's picks come from courtesy of Uncut's Unconditionally Guaranteed 2000.8
The Go-Betweens featured two to three weeks ago on Saturday Lucky Dip. I make no apologies for featuring them again with the wonderful When She Sang About Angels from their 2000 album The Friends of Rachel Worth.
The Friends of Rachel Worth is also the nom de plume of the author of the much missed Cathedrals of Sound blog.
Go -Betweens tracks are a bit like Corporation buses - none for ages then two come along at once!
CCM has been on the go for over two years now and so far no reference to the Gang of Four. Time to rectify that with At Home He's a Tourist from their great 1999 album Entertainment.
Two great bands beginning with G.(No Kenny G though!)
More random nonsense next Saturday
The Go-Betweens - When She Sang About Angels
Gang of Four - At Home He's A Tourist
Friday, 28 November 2014
Stray Cat Singles - You Don't Believe Me
You Don't Believe Me is the third of the five Stray Cats singles in my brothers box and is the one that I , and I suspect most of you will be least familiar with
Their fourth single , their third released in 1981, and the first one taken from their second album Gonna Ball.
It entered the UK charts on 7th November 1981 but only hung around for 3 weeks peaking at number 57.
The three band members receive writing credits for this song with Brian Setzer being credited for the b-side Cross that Bridge
Gonna Ball only reached number 48 in the album charts compared to Stray Cats' number 6 suggesting that commercially the band had already peaked.
Stray Cats - You Don't Believe Me
Stray Cats - Cross That Bridge
Thursday, 27 November 2014
Luca Brasi Sleeps With the Fishes
I put horse's heads in people's beds
Cause I am the mob
Back in a previous life the Queen of the Airwaves Cerys Matthews MBE was lead singer of the Welsh rock band Catatonia.
They released four albums between 1996 and 2001 all on Blanco Y Negro of which I own one namely International Velvet from 1998.
You often see their albums in charity shops and I was under the impression that at the very least I also had Equally Blessed and Cursed.
Apparently I don't, something I must remember next time I come across it or any of their other albums
Catatonia - I Am The Mob
Catatonia - Road Rage
Wednesday, 26 November 2014
Hats of to The View

The View are four young whippersnappers from Dryburgh, Dundee whose debut album Hats of to the Buskers entered the UK album charts at number 1 on 28th January 2007 reflecting a fairly intensive period of hype prior to its release.
Although pretty raw in places it is full of youthful enthusiasm, confidence and energy.
George, if you listen closely on Superstar Tradesman you will hear your erstwhile hometown get a mention.
Whereas I quite enjoy the album I haven't really felt the urge to rush out and purchase any of it's three successors.
They join Michael Marra, The Hazy Janes, Danny Wilson, Swiss Family Orbison, Billy McKenzie and bits of Deacon Blue as Dundonian artists to have featured on CCM
The View - Superstar Tradesman
The View - Same Jeans
Tuesday, 25 November 2014
Charity Chic Music - Two Today
Charity Chic Music is two years old today
Two years of assorted nonsense much of it culled from the nation's Charity Shops.
If it is on the CCM shelves it has probably featured at some stage.Or if not, it soon will.
It keeps me out of mischief and out from under the feet of the long suffering Mrs CC, happily ensconced in the Muso room thinking up some music to play and some witterings to subject you to
If you have enjoyed it half as much as me then I've enjoyed it twice as much as you!
Here's to year three and beyond
And as Marvin and Kim would have it
It takes two baby , me and you!
Marvin Gaye and Kim Weston - It Takes Two
Associates - Party Fears Two
Monday, 24 November 2014
Albums I Haven't Listened to in Over 30 years -Olé
The more objective among us would probably describe them as more like a Mancunain Hall and Oates
Olé was an album from 1981 towards the later part of their brief flirtation with fame which reached the dizzy heights of number 72 in the UK album charts.
However, I suspect that many of you will recognise the two featured tracks suggesting that not unlike Crowded House and The Beautiful South you probably know more Sad Café songs than you think which is not necessarily a good thing.
Their lead singer was one Paul Young - no not that one - but even worse - this one went on to perform with Mike and the Mechanics.
They limped along to 1990 then disbanded before somewhat sadly and predictably reforming in 1998, 2000 and then in 2012 presumably chasing the somewhat lucrative retro market.
It is amazing how quickly those "musical differences" can be put to one side when there is money at stake.
Sad Cafe - Love's Enough
Sad Cafe -Follow You Anywhere
Sunday, 23 November 2014
Some Sunday Soul
This week I have been mostly reading The Last Holiday a memoir by the late great Gil Scott-Heron which was published posthumously.
It gives an interesting account of his life with a focus on his participation in Stevie Wonder's Hotter than July tour and the campaign to have Martin Luther King Day recognised and proclaimed as a holiday.
As you would imagine it is beautifully written and also contains a number of snatches of his rhythmic street poetry which served as a forerunner to the rap movement.
I saw him perform in the Tunnel Nightclub in Glasgow.
I have a good few of his songs downloaded but somewhat shamefully I could only find one physical version of one of his songs and even then that was on a Mojo compilation - The Original Funk Soul Brothers and Sisters.
I do have plenty of Stevie Wonder though including Hotter than July
Gil Scott-Heron &Brian Jackson - The Bottle
Stevie Wonder - Master Blaster (Jammin')
Saturday, 22 November 2014
Saturday Lucky Dip
We are going back to 2001 for this week's Lucky Dip - December 2001 to be precise with Uncut's Guide to the Month's Best Music.
One of the best records of that month and indeed that year was surely Time (The Revelator) by Gillian Welch.
It is the only one of her albums which I don't have (yet) which is probably why Elvis Presley Blues jumped out at me.
From one great musical icon to another - ladies and gentlemen I give you Eric Goulden more better known as Wreckless Eric with Reconnez Cherie taken from If It Ain't Stiff a 1991 compilation
Anyone who rhymes Zodiac with Pac-a-mac must be a 24 carat genius.
For those of you who enjoy a good read can I recommend The Immortal Jukebox where Thom provides a series of well informed and very well written essays on a variety of musical legends including most recently old Wreckless himself
Unlike my blog some are carefully crafted as opposed to just thrown together.
More random nonsense next Saturday
Gillian Welch - Elvis Presley Blues
Wreckless Eric - Reconnez Cherie
Friday, 21 November 2014
Harder Than The Best
It is time for some Friday Reggae courtesy of Winston Rodney or to give him his stage name Burning Spear.
Burning Spear is/are named after a military award given by Jomo Kenyatta the first president of an independent Kenya.
These tracks are taken from Harder Than The Best a 1979 Island Records compilation highlighting his work from the previous decade.
He is still going strong with the last of his 28 studio albums Jah is Real being recorded in 2008
Winston was quite rightly awarded the Jamaican Order of Distinction in 2007
To my American friends - please do not panic he is actually singing "Social Living is the best" as opposed to "Socialism is the best"!
Burning Spear - Social Living
Burning Spear - Civilize Reggae
Thursday, 20 November 2014
Stray Cat Singles - Stray Cat Strut
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The Stray Cats second single Rock This Town does not feature in my brother's box so we move swiftly onto the third single Stray Cat Strut written by Brian Setzer.
It entered the UK charts on 25th April 1981 hanging around for a ten week period peaking at number 11.
The b-side is a live version of their song Drink That Bottle Down with Lee Rocker on vocals and is pleasantly bluesy in places.
As the sleeve points out the Stray Cats were Brian Setzer -strummin'n'croonin'. Lee Rocker -slappin'n'howlin' and Slim Jim Phantom - bangin'n'yellin'
More to follow
Stray Cats - Stray Cat Strut
Stray Cats -Drink That Bottle Down
Wednesday, 19 November 2014
George's recent post featuring Lash Lariat had me reaching into the Americana Compilations section to retrieve Cowpunks a 1996 compilation from Vinyl Junkie records.
In that grand punk tradition some of the 24 Trailblazing Tracks are a bit rough round the edges but they are none the worse for that and in some ways it is part of their charm.
Half the songs on the record are exclusive to Cowpunks so it is only fair that we feature some of them
We'll start with The Coal Porters, a band fronted by Sid Griffin, with the much covered truck driving song Six Days on the Road.
This is followed by another cover from Louisville's finest Freakwater with a magnificent interpretation of Richard Thomson's Withered and Died.
And finally a true original from Ottawa's Furnaceface with their tribute to Tipper Gore the wife of former Vice President Al and the person responsible for introducing Parental Advisory stickers (aka Tipper Stickers) onto CDs and records. As you might expect this is somewhat of a protest song and therefore contains the occasional sweary word.
The Coal Porters - Six Days on the Road
Freakwater -Withered and Died
Furnaceface - We Love You, Tipper Gore
Tuesday, 18 November 2014
I'll Be There For You
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Nice Hair |
Phil Solem and Danny Wilde collectively known as The Rembrands are the artists responsible for I'll be There For You the theme song for Friends.
Don't get me started on Friends. It represents the worse of American TV. It is not funny. It is however ubiquitous- you can't turn on the telly at any time of the night or day and not find it on at least one channel. It features grown men who meet together for a coffee rather than a beer FFS. Oh, and did I mention it's not funny?
Before this song became their nest egg resulting in them not having to bother too much they had released a couple of albums including 1992's Untitled which is a perfectly acceptable pop album.
Mrs CC picked this up for 50p with about a dozen others in an Oxfam bargain bin in St Andrews. Some were so awful that they have been dispatched from whence they came. The remaining ones could well feature at some stage.You have been warned!
The Rembrandts - Johnny Have You Seen Her?
The Rembrandts -I'll Come Callin'
Monday, 17 November 2014
Cars and Girls and Murders
I am aware that Bruce Springsteen is a bit like Marmite - you either love him or you hate him.
Some of my fellow bloggers (hi George and Adam) think he is the devil incarnate whilst others such as Scott are big fans.
I'm with Scott - I like Springsteen there I've said it.
I don't necessarily think that he is the greatest thing on two legs and I find some of the hype and the nickname of the Boss a trifle irritating.
However, he is terrific live and has released some great albums - Darkness on the Edge of Town, Born to Run, The Wild the Innocent and the E Street Shuffle, The River , the Seeger Sessions and Ghost of Tom Joad to name but six.
Like all artists with a large canon of work he has also released some shockers - Human Touch and Lucky Town spring to mind
I'm not a particular fan of Born in the USA.My brother and I went in a coach from Glasgow to see him at St James Park, Newcastle when this was out and we were the only two who knew anything from his back catalogue.
In my opinion Nebraska is his masterpiece and one of the top 10 albums of all time. Others of course may choose to differ
Bruce Springsteen - Nebraska
Bruce Springsteen - Highway Patrolman
Sunday, 16 November 2014
Some Sunday Soul
What's happening $tateside I here you ask.
Well to tell you the truth I've no idea
However, I do know that in 1987 a sampler What's Happening $tateside featuring 16 songs from the legendary label was released and that I picked up a copy in Oxfam for 99p last week.
The track listing represents a veritable who's who of the great and the good of Soul music - The O'Jays, Bobby Womack, Garnett Mimms, Ike & Tina, Irma Thomas and the Isley Brother to name a few.
There is every chance that the tracks from those artists and the others I have not mentioned will appear on CCM at a later stage.
However today you are not getting one or two but indeed three absolute crackers.
First up is the great Bettye Swann with Tell it Like it Is. The NME stated that "you'd have to be virtually dead not to like this record" and they are right there..
Bettye is followed by Z.Z. Hill with a tremendous version of Bobby Bland's Ain't Nothin' You Can Do.
And finally we have Homer Banks with a "soothing, sizzling and sensual" A Lot of Love.
A terrific find!
Bettye Swann -Tell It Like It Is
Z.Z. Hill -Ain't Nothin' You Can Do
Homer Banks - A Lot of Love
Saturday, 15 November 2014
Saturday Lucky Dip
"So, what lessons did you learn from Chappaquiddick Senator Kennedy?"
"Never drive over narrow bridges when you're off your face"
All of which probably has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with Chappaquiddick Skyline one of the many incarnations of Joe Pernice who grace Uncut's Unconditionally Guaranteed 2000.4 with a splendid cover of New Order's Leave Me Alone.
Covers seem to be the order of the day as Joe and the boys are followed by Sonic's Rendezvous with a version of Chuck Berry's Sweet Little Sixteen which totally rocks.
Hardly surprising really given that the band contained Fred "Sonic" Smith from MC5 and Scott Asheton from The Stooges within their number.
Chappaquiddick Skyline - Leave Me Alone
Sonic's Rendezvous - Sweet Little Sixteen
Friday, 14 November 2014
Albums I Haven't Listened to in Over 30 Years - Long Live Rock'nRoll
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More hair than a hair convention |
Guitar god Ritchie Blackmore, Ronnie James Dio on vocals and Cozy Powell on drums - the're all there.
What on earth possessed me to purchase this in 1978 when I was old enough to know better and there was a lot of terrific music about I have absolutely no idea.
I have it in my head that I bought it in Ayr - maybe punk had not reached the Ayrshire coast by then..
You are only getting the one track today which arguably is more than enough
Rainbow -Long Live Rock'n'Roll
Thursday, 13 November 2014
The Blues Collection -Robert Cray
I like a little bit of Robert Cray
I have a couple of his mid 80s albums (Strong Persuader and Don't Be Afraid of The Dark) purchased from the much missed Echo record shop on Glasgow's Byres Road.
The Blues Collection however takes us back to 1980 and Robert's debut album Who's Been Talkin' although he had been performing with the Robert Cray Band in Eugene, Oregon for a number of years prior to this release.
He even had an uncredited part as the bass player in the house party band Otis Day and the Knights in the film National Lampoon's Animal House.
He has gone on to pick up 5 Grammy Awards and is one of the very few members of The Blues Collection still with us at the tender age of 61.
Plenty of life in the old dog yet.
Robert Cray Band -Too Many Cooks
Robert Cray Band -Who's Been Talkin'
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