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Wednesday 17 June 2015

Down To The Promised Land

Artwork by Jon Langford

When George recently posted Red Star Belgrade's splendid cover of Highway to Hell  I commented that it was a track on Down to the Promised Land - 5 Years of Bloodshot Records.
This led to me digging out said album and giving it a listen and what an absolute stonker it is too.
40 tracks (Highway to Hell being the 40th) from artists from the Bloodshot stable and friends.

To me Americana music from the mid 90s to the mid 00's was the biggest musical revolution since punk with Bloodshot being one of the key players. I totally immersed myself in it to the extent that I probably missed much music being produced in the UK at that time some of which I am now discovering for the first time thanks to my blogging chums.

Long suffering readers of CCM will recall my Bloodshot Tuesday series when I featured 20 of my favourite Bloodshot acts. I have therefore gone for two acts who did not feature in this series with the first song paying tribute to Bloodshot's home town of Chicago.

The Yahoos - Oh! Chicago

Rico Bell &the Snakehandlers - Money to Burn


  1. Have been reading some of your old Bloodshot postings tonight CC and then listening to some of the tracks on Spotify/Youtube. Some real quality stuff on there. Great to hear Twist The Knife again.

  2. A good albujm indeed. Saved me posting about the album, leaving more space for some prog!

  3. I'm in a Bloodshot state of mind - there will also be songs from that album on Friday and Monday!

  4. Looking forward to more, CC. Bloodshot has always been quality.

    1. Nan Warshaw, co-founder of Bloodshot, graduated from the same college as myself. The school recognized her with an honorary PhD last month. Very cool and quite deserved.

    2. I spoke to her once Brian at the Yarddog in Austin just to say how much I admired the music.She was very pleasant
