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Monday, 9 March 2020

Heartattack and Vine

Somewhere on the shelves I have a copy of New Coat of Paint (Songs of Tom Waits). Not quite sure why I copied it given that I am not particularly a fan of Mr Waits.
From 2000 it contains covers by the likes of Neko Case, Lee Rocker, Screamin' Jay Hawkins and Andre Williams.
I may have just answered my question in that these artists are more interesting (to me) than Tom Waits.
It is not one I have listened to for years and I had pretty much forgotten about it until a fantastic version of Heartattack and Vine by Lydia Lunch popped up on the i-pod.Guitarist Nels Cline also gets a namecheck

Lydia (whose real name is Lydia Anne Koch) inexplicably did not feature in my Double Initials series. She has also had an interesting and varied career

Lydia Lunch (ft Nels Cline) - Heartattack and Vine

Tom Waits - Heartattack and Vine


  1. I hadn't heard Lydia's version before - it's very good, but of course I'm a Tom fan so I tend to prefer his original (which I couldn't get to play by the way).

    1. Not intentional Swede ... honest!
      I'll have a look later and see if I can get it sorted
