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Tuesday 2 July 2024

On Your Bike - Khayem's Lap of Honour


Just when you thought that all things bike had been exhausted Khayem has pitched in with a lap of honour.

Take it away K

As the series reaches it’s last gasp (actually, that’s just me being chronically unfit…) I’ve found a few more round the back of the bike shed that I’d like to offer up.

Firstly, Madness got tired of driving their car and decided to rewrite the song as a paean to the pushbike on the 12” B-side back in 1982.

Unfortunately, Amy of Amyl & The Sniffers was less fortunate as someone nicked hers, but at least it inspired a short sharp rant on their Giddy Up EP in 2016.

Lurking around the corner and trying not to look suspicious are Peter Hook and David Potts, better known here as Monaco, with this B-side of 1997 single What Do You Want From Me? that doesn’t at all like New Order, honest.

Lastly, Rol previously delivered Pink Floyd’s original and definitive version of their song Bike. Not an obvious one to cover, unless you’re electronic duo Fortran 5 in 1991. Not just any old cover version though, this one painstakingly cut and spliced a comedy legend’s dialogues from numerous Carry On films to create a word - if not note - perfect reproduction of the lyrics. Sid Sings Syd indeed. With apologies to CC listeners everywhere and C in particular!

Thanks Khayem.
A reminder that we move on to two wheeled motorised transport  next Tuesday. Ernie has already pitched in with sone excellent suggestions and a title for the series CC revs the CC's


  1. Sid sings Syd is, er, some kind of genius, I think... And how have I never heard that Madness track before?

  2. I love Sid James' voice. I love Syd Barrett's song. And never the twain should meet (although it did make me laugh...thanks Khayem!)

  3. This batch has me popping wheelies. Thanks, K. - Brian

  4. Sid Sings Syd is genius. Loved it when it came out.
