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Thursday 4 July 2024

Good Riddance


Voting today will see the end of 14 years of Tory Mis-Rule .This twitter post by Jonathan Pie neatly sums up their "achievements" (not fit for work obviously).

Any sane person will be glad to see the back of them but yet I am finding it hard to get too excited. I mean what is the alternative? Labour under Tory - Lite Sir Keir Starmer a man with zero personality  who writes for the Sun and refuses to denounce Brexit as the disaster it clearly is? He has also indicated that he would be willing to engage with the French Right whilst refusing to engage with the Scottish Government on a number of key issues.

To be honest I'm pretty disillusioned with the lot of them. Whereas it will be good to see them go The Tories are pretty much irrelevant in Scotland and virtually no-one here would be stupid enough to line Farage's red trousers by voting for Reform PLC.

That pretty much leaves the Lib Dems (as a protest vote)  Labour or the SNP. The Greens here may previously have got my vote on occasions but seem to have forgotten what they are meant to stand for.

The SNP have been in power for too long without an effective opposition and have lost their way in terms of key priorities such as housing and Social Care but we currently have no tuition fees, free personal care for the elderly and no prescription charges amongst a number of other things. Would the Labour branch office be allowed to honour these when Westminster is pulling the strings?

I have rarely been so disillusioned but I will hold my nose and vote. After all, people have died to enable us to do so.

I wonder if the Bloggers Party will be on the ballot paper?

Billy Bragg - All You Fascists Bound to Lose (Blokes Version)

Carter USM - I Blame the Government

Jamie Wednesday - Vote for Love


  1. I can't remember any election where I've been less inclined to vote, though obviously I will. A sad state of affairs.

  2. I enjoyed the meltdown chart. Never seen my local polling station so busy, which I'm choosing to interpret as an eagerness for change. This is also worth a watch, John Oliver in a similar vein to Jonathan Pie.

  3. Rule no. 1 Vote to get rid of the Tories.
    Rule no. 2. See rule no. 1
    Swiss Adam

  4. Excellent - and yes I'm liking Adam's rules. I was appalled on Monday to come out of the Co-op and be canvassed by a group of Reformers. They weren't the wide boy thug types either, they were older, well-spoken, middle class - a certain type of rotarian, golf club member, owns-own-business breed. Mr SDS and I took great pleasure in expressing our loathing when asked how we might vote, but it made me sad to see them looking so at ease, and that they even bothered to approach us.

    1. Make sure you wear your Crass badges more prominently next time they are in the area, that might tip them off not to pester you

  5. I’m with Adam. In my patch, I think (& hope) that it will be tactical voting that gets the Tories out.

    Sad but unsurprised to see a Reform candidate float up to the surface here. Suffice to say, “Big Andy” (as he’s known on Twitter) will be getting the two finger salute from me.

  6. Blimey I'm even more depressed after having watched that John Oliver piece even though the (expletive deleted x10) Tories have finally been skewered. But where the hell to start addressing/redressing the cruelties they delivered on us? Anyone recommend a good therapist?

    I thought yours was a music blog. LOL

    I'm off to listen to Daniel Johnston's True Love Will Find You In The End for a spot of 'borrowed' inspiration and hope

  7. Good to see you writing from the Scottish perspective - agree with all of it. I did vote but was turned off by the whole campaign - sad state of affairs. Was relieved and glad to see the polls were right for once.
