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Tuesday 23 July 2024

CC Revs the CC's - Lap 3


I am delighted to say that a couple of  guest posts have been dropped off by a motor cycle courier over the last week or so.

First up is our dear friend Walter from the brilliant A Few Good Times in My Life

Walter writes:

Now that I am close to my retirement I find more time to answer some posts. I like your new series about moving and like to add some songs. 

First one is Harley David (Son of a Bitch) by Bollock Brothers, a musical project Jock McDonald, a football madman, part-time hooligan and promoter, formed in the late 70's alongside with the early British punk movement.

Harley Davidson Blues is a more or less unknown number by Los Angeles blues-rock band Canned Heat from 1973 from a time they were able to write songs.

Chris Spedding, one of the mostly hired session guitarist wrote Motor Bikin' in 1975 and it was his only successful single. Sadly the rest of his albums are forgotten.

An lastly a short song about riding a motorbike at the Westcoast. The Beach Boys made Little Honda in their very early days and a trademark of their sound.

CC writes:
Many thanks for this Walter. The only one I am familiar with is Motor Bikin' . C will be pleased.

I can just visualize you cruising down the Autobahn on a Harley Davidson when you finally get your well earned retirement!

Stay tuned for another excellent Guest Post next Transport Tuesday


  1. "A football madman and part-time hooligan". How very different from our esteemed host (and our esteemed guest columnist).

  2. Lovely guest post, Walter. Yes, I am like CC and was only familiar with Motor Bikin' - a song which I couldn't get out of my head once the series was announced. I think it's well-known (at least here in the UK) that Chris was associated with both the Sex Pistols and the Wombles, quite the pedigree! (Not sure if The Wombles ever made it to German TV screens or had a German equivalent?!)
