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Sunday 21 July 2024

Get Brexit Done


Get Brexit Done

An even more nonsensical phrase than Ernie's suggestion of Bish Bash Bosh.

Unfortunately for us they did and boy are we reaping the "benefits" Hopefully now that we have some grown ups in the room there can be a degree of damage limitation.

Given the subject matter it is probably a good idea to start with someone completely bonkers. Here is Maria McKie with You Got to Sin to Get Saved although I suspect that Johnson is  completely beyond redemption.

Billy Bragg pitches in with the brilliant Full English Brexit . It's worth noting that 60% of those who voted in Scotland voted Remain.

Finally Weyes Blood sums things up neatly with The Worst is Done. 

In years to come historians will shake their heads

More three word phrases dissected soon

Maria McKee - You Got to Sin to Get Saved

Billy Bragg - Full English Brexit

Weyes Blood - The Worst is Done


  1. I must have missed your original call out. For that it's worth, I'd have gone with Leaving on a Jet Plane: a quite brilliant song, irrespective of prevailing political turbulence. And if it's three word banality you're after, look no further than Leave Means Leave; reasons to put Theresa May before a firing squad are too numerous to mention here, but that phrase, and that phrase alone, was reason enough to sign her death warrant.


  2. No grand plan.
    Just posting a few random three word phrases until I get my mojo back.

  3. Why do you torment yourself like this?
