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Sunday 30 June 2024

Sunday Highway Songs 13 - The End of the Road


13 posts later and after thousands of miles of tarmac covered we finally reach the end of the road.

Four highway songs this week as opposed to the usual three which will take us up to forty songs which seems a good place to stop

We have had the Gulf Coast Highway and this week we head east where Sonic Youth take us on a spin down the Pacific Coast Highway.

The late great Jimmy La Fave takes us down an old favourite as he gives us the Deep South Delta 61 Highway Blues from his appropriately named album Highway Angels ... Full Moon.

Some more Highway Blues follows this time courtesy of Mississippi's Hill County Review

The Isley Brothers have the honour of concluding this series with The Highways of the My Life which neatly sums up the last 13 weeks of my life.

We have now finally run out of gas. I hope you enjoyed the trip.

Sonic Youth - Pacific Coast Highway

Jimmy La Fave - Deep South 61 Delta Highway Blues

Hill County Review - Highway Blues

The Isley Brothers -The Highways of my Life


  1. Thank you for an excellent series CC

  2. Well done. Have I missed Life Is A Highway by Tom Cochrane? If so, maybe a bonus post is in order...
