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Monday 17 June 2024



2024 Charity Shop Purchases # 38 - Erin McKeown - Lafayette

We are getting a bit of a geography lesson - Alexandria last week and Lafayette this week. Well not quite as in this case Lafayette does not refer to the city in Louisiana but to the address of Joe's Pub, Lafayette Street, New Your City where Erin McKeown and band recorded a live show on 23rd and 24th January 2007

I was vaguely familiar with the name Erin McKeown and on checking the hard drive I have three tracks from the album Distillation. I had them (pronoun of choice)  down as an Americana artist but their web page is keen to point out that the  have a prolific disregard of stylistic boundaries.

Wiki say that their music encompasses pop, swing, rock, folk ,and electronic music as well as several other genres. I would say that this one firmly comes down in the swing and big band camp. I have an album by k.d lang that goes down a similar path.

They are not genres that I am particularly a fan of and also I am not a huge fan of live albums. It was part of the Newton Stewart haul so probably cost me less that 50p.It was worth a listen but  I don't see me playing it very often so it will go back to charity

Erin McKeown - You Were Right About Everything

Erin McKeown - Melody

1 comment:

  1. That first track is definitely not swing or big band! Played it and was a little irritated by her voice but as the track progressed (admittedly without vocals) I liked it more and then the vocals came back....... Not for me either
