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Friday 28 June 2024

Stop the Machine


2024 Charity Shop Purchases #42  Energy Orchard - Stop the Machine 

Sad    Regular readers will recall that while posting Painkiller the fourth album by Northern Irish band Energy Orchard as part of my Newton Stewart Dead Dog haul I advised that I had picked up a second one by them which I would feature in due course.

Due course is now today so you are getting their second album 1992's Stop the Machine on the MCA label.

Whereas Pain Killer was dispensed fairly quickly back to charity an initial listen to Stop the Machine was a much more positive experience. It was not a stop you in your tracks experience but one that said this may have a degree of potential and a couple of further listens are required to decide whether it is a keeper of not

So that's where we are - not yet returned to charity but not yet catalogued and allocated a space on the shelves. It's in the CD equivalent of Limbo.

Some help  would be appreciated. Here are the two singles from the album. Stick or twist?

Energy Orchard - How The West Was Won

Energy Orchard - Blue Eyed Boy

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