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Thursday 27 June 2024

Rachel Sermanni at Paisley Arts Centre


Last Friday we went to see Carrbridge's very own Rachel Sermanni at the recently refurbished Paisley Arts Centre. It was the day after we saw the Bathers. Two concerts in two nights. What are we like?

We have seen her at least twice before once a few years ago at the Mackintosh Church and a short set earlier this year at Celtic Connections when I missed a couple of songs as I had to leave the auditorium with a coughing fit.

Support came from Glasgow singer songwriter Pippa Blundell. She was quite quirky and put me a little in mind of This is the Kit and Rosie Plain.

Rachel is not the most prolific of artists having released only 5 albums in total and only two since 2015. Tied to the Moon, the 2015 album, is the only one I have along with a bought download of the EP Gently, She also tours relatively infrequently so it was good to catch her.

Her set was very entertaining with some great songs, excellent guitar work and interesting and amusing patter. A couple of recent songs she was trailing sounded interesting and reminded me that I really need more of  her stuff.

Rachel Sermanni - Old Ladies Lament

Rachel Sermanni - Jen's Song

1 comment:

  1. A couple of classy concerts last week, CC. Hope your trip is going well, and say hello for me. - Brian
