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Wednesday 26 June 2024

On Your Bike - The Yellow Jersey


We will blame the slight detour to Newcastle for the day's delay to  Transport Tuesday.

With these final offerings the bike posts have now concluded and the yellow jersey has been awarded.

We start with one which should have crossed my radar before now. Here are Edinburgh Indie darlings Ballboy with Olympic Cyclist.

Not to be outdone New York power pop band The dB's pitch in with Cycles.

I'm pretty sure that Endless Cycle by Lou Reed has absolutely nothing to do with bicycles but hey needs must.

Finally we conclude with a song that keen cyclist Swiss Adam has offered up on a couple of occasions. Wild Billy Childish and the Buff Medways  are singing the virtues of the Medway Wheelers.

We are back to Tuesdays next week with Motorised Two Wheeled Transport. As always, contributions and/or guest posts are welcomed.

Ballboy -Olympic Cyclist

The dB's - Cycles

Lou Reed -Endless Cycle

Wild Billy Childish and the Buff Medways - Medway Wheelers


  1. A worthy yellow jersey for Medway Wheelers.

  2. I think so too. Tour de France starts at the weekend as well.
