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Friday 11 August 2023

Cigarettes & Truckstops


Lindi Ortega is a Canadian Country singer. Hers is a name that I have vaguely been familiar with over the years with the occasional track or two downloaded into my music folder. She has appeared on these pages before as part of a Ladies of Canada post.

It wasn't until a visit to Missing Records earlier this week that I had anything physical by her namely Cigarettes & Truckstops her 4th studio album from 2012 on Last Gang Records. I picked this up as part of a 3 for £5 package.

It seems to be a record of two halves (as are all of them I suppose). Even the CD distinguishes between the two sides. Side 1 appears to be more traditional  honky tonk style country whereas Side 2 has more of an  Gothic Americana feel about it.

Here is one of each. I'm filing it in the Americana section

Lindi Ortega - Cigarettes & Truckstops

Lindi Ortega - Murder of Crows


  1. one pound 66-and-two-thirds pence is a steal for that album. (Did I tell you I have just purchased 200 blank cds?)

  2. The Gothic Americana song edges it for me, but both are very good. I will investigate further.

  3. Side 1 for me, but then I'm not young, hip and edgy like that Khayem whippersnapper

  4. Listened to both tracks but sorry not for me. Was waiting for a 'reveal' on the first track but it never came.
