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Monday 18 February 2019

Freddy Fender's Sohn

Featuring Freddy Fender on Saturday's Double Initial series had me reaching for the only record I have ever bought in Belgium.
Said album is Son of Kraut by Peel favourite's F.S.K.
As Walter and Dirk will be aware F.S.K. is an abbreviation for Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle which is German for voluntary self control.
They can fairly accurately be described as a German Mekons

The blurb in the inner sleeve describes Freddy Fender's Sohn  as Roman Catholicism and Latin Drugs in stereo. Glad we cleared that up.
Germany famously demolished a wall. America is trying to build one.

Finally, as I'm sure you are all well aware When in rains in Texas it snows on the Rhine

F.S.K. - Freddy Fender's Sohn

F.S.K. - The Wall


  1. Belgium has some, or had, some absolutely splendid record shops. I spent hours in one a few years back, it had a bar in it too, where the women could have a drink whilst their menfolk perused the records

  2. Had, George, had. Alas. There was a very fine one in Liege which I visited frequently ... dead and gone, of course ...

    1. There were thre great record shops In Antwerp six years was the beer and records (and turntables) one
      Ine very good one in Ghent

  3. Purchased from a Belgian charity shop? I like George's description of the record shop with a bar in it. A potentially dangerous, not to mention expensive, combo.

    1. Not a charity shop Swede
      A bona fide Brussels record shop although sadly no bar.
      Thankully on the wallet front though

  4. HI,
    I heard the song "freddy fenders sohn" on radio (2019.04.06" from robert forster.
    I can't get this marvoulus song! And I want it so much! I just asked for to gett access to the google drive.

    pls. help! :)
