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Saturday 11 August 2018

React Or Die

After a few days posting birthday purchases and those pesky series it is back to our raison d'etre  -charity shop purchases.
Fitting too to feature on a Saturday as that is the day I tend to check out my local shop.
Two Saturday's away I came away with a nugget. From 2009 I came away with React Or Die the second of the three albums by Glasgow band Butcher Boy.
Pretty rare to find something like this among the normal dross and for 50p to boot

I saw them last year playing in the (empty) swimming pool at Govanhill Baths. The acoustics were such that I could make out the music but not the words.
It's good to hear both!
Another Glasgow band who are not afraid to use a cello.

Butcher Boy - This Kiss Will Marry Us

Butcher Boy - A Better Ghost