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Monday 20 May 2024

On the Buses -Charity Shop Excursions - Helensburgh


2024 Charity Shop Purchases #29 - Kim Richey - Kim Richey

When I got my bus pass in July 2021 one of the things I planned to do was to set off on day trips exploring nearby towns and cities and incorporating visits to charity shops in search of booty.

It was not until July 2022 that I actually did just that heading off to Prestwick and Kilmarnock . Since then nothing until last week.

Mrs CC has gently being prompting me to get my ass into gear and last week I headed along the north Clyde coast to the town of Helensburgh It is only a journey of about 35 miles but the bus takes around a hour and a half. It meanders through west Glasgow areas such as Whiteinch and Scoutstoun before finally reaching Clydebank, Thereafter the bus goes under the Erskine Bridge to Old Kilpatrick and Bowling then onto Dumbarton before finally arriving in Helensburgh.

It is a pleasant and relatively affluent coastal town with plenty of charity shops (about half a dozen) . After having my packed lunch by the sea the weather picked up and I hit the charity shops  ending up with three CDs. I resisted the temptation of going for a pint as I didn't trust my bladder to behave for an hour and a half on a rickety bus with no toilet.

One of my purchases was the self titled debut album by Kim Richey from 1995 on PolyGram. She is a great songwriter who does songs on the cusp between Americana and Mainstream Country. We saw her at the Glad Cafe a few years ago with support from Carla Easton  and she put on a good show.

I intend to make my next trip sooner rather than later.

Kim Richey -From Where I Stand

Kim Richey -Just My Luck


  1. The final photo prompts me to mention that you have not yet featured wheelchairs and mobility scooters in your transport series.

  2. This seems to me like an excellent way to spend your retirement. I'm quite jealous.

  3. Ooh lovely, I hope you had your knotted hanky with you!

  4. Ah the bladder issue. I live near a number of cotswold towns and would love to get the bus up and back but like you any longer than an hour and you have to really worry about your liquid intake!
