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Tuesday 7 May 2024

On The Buses 4


I'm grateful for the guest posts from BrianKhayem and after a fashion Ernie. It is good to see so many bus lovers out there.

Unless anyone out there has a burning desire for me to repeat the songs from Bus Pass Day or has a guest post to submit I will conclude with some stragglers.

I'm not sure how Bus to Baton Rouge by Lucinda Williams escaped the State of the Union and A-Z of American Cities series' , but escape it did. But not for long!

Tom Russell is another fine Americana story teller and here he is checking in from the Bus Station.

Kissinger contributed to the truck series. Here they are again with Girl on the Bus. Finally, in the comments, John gave a shout out for ZZ Top. Happy to oblige.

Unless that missing bus finally turns up it's bikes next on Transport Tuesday. I might just about stretch to two posts unless we travel in tandem

Lucinda Williams - Bus to Baton Rouge

Tom Russell - Bus Station

Kissinger - Girl on the Bus

ZZ Top - Waitin' for the Bus


  1. 'After a fashion'? Don't get me started...

    1. You provided the music, I provided the words.
      A team effort!

    2. Fair enough. Apologies for being suspicious, you know I can be overly sensitive on this particular topic

    3. I may be in touch for bike songs or posts!

    4. Happy to help. Done a quick tally and I think I have 16 tracks that fit the bill.

    5. Happy to receive any tracks or guest posts!

  2. A guest post sounds daunting but let me know how I could go about it - I've got 4 or 5 Bus tracks itching to be heard

    1. Pretty easy
      Just send a blurb to me at the e-mail address on the sidebar.
      You can send a picture if you wish or I'll provide one
      Similarly you can send me a folder with the songs as MP3s.
      Alternatively give me. List of the songs and I'll try and source them.
