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Wednesday 29 May 2024

No Time For Dreaming


I was going to write that a few years ago I saw a documentary about  funk and soul singer Charles Bradley which completely blew me away until I called up this post which informs me that it was as far back as 2013. Gulp!

That post gives some background on the documentary and the fact that it prompted me to purchase his then recently released second album Victim of Love before the programme was finished.

Much more recently at the Record Fair in East Kilbride where I bought Fear of Music I stumbled across this one his debut 2011 album No Time For Dreaming. It was also duly purchased.

It features the sounds of the Menahan Street Band and has the honour of being the first Daptone album that I have on vinyl, It was critically well received scoring 79/100 on the Metacritic Aggregator. Mojo also placed it as number 40 in their 50 albums of the year.

The World (Is Going Up In Flames) Ain't that the truth.

Charles Bradley - The World (Is Going Up In Flames)

Charles Bradley - No Time For Dreaming