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Thursday 30 May 2024

They Are Heavy


When the shuffle threw up Heavy Metal Drummer by Wilco for Saturday's post I headed to the music folder to get the MP3 file for download.

A search for the word Heavy threw up some interesting songs none more so than Heavy Manners by Prince Far I

In recent years I have have enjoyed the output of Big Thief and also the solo work of  Buck Meek and Adrianne Lenker. From 2022 here are Big Thief with Heavy Bend from their album Dragon New Warm Mountain I Believe in You which is a bit of a mouthful.

Another band who seem to be getting better and better are The Hanging Stars. They have now released five albums and are terrific live with their recent concert at the Glad Cafe being my gig of the year so far. Heavy Blue is from their 3rd album 2020's A New Kind of Sky.

Let's throw in a band for a laugh. Here are Dutch band  The Heavy Dwarfs with Moeder Natuur

I may well get heavy again next Thursday

Prince Far I - Heavy Manners

Big Thief - Heavy Bend

The Hanging Stars -Heavy Blue

The Heavy Dwarves - Modeder Natuur


  1. There's a band called The Heavy who did a great song called How You Like Me Now? I checked out the rest of the album and came up with the answer: not as much as I thought I would.

    1. Good grief, Rol, that album is tremendous. I recommend blasting it out at anti-social volumes,

  2. Can offer Heavy Trash and Heavy Jelly plus assorted heavy, heavy monster sounds if you need them.

    Will you be offsetting all the heaviness with a little Light music?

  3. That dutch track sounds like The Glitter Band,

  4. and those two Charles Bradley tracks yesterday were tremendous (despite the skip on track 1)

    1. I never picked up on that.
      Hopefully it is down to the USB turntable as opposed to the record

  5. I can send a few heavies round if you want! Can endorse Ernie with Heavy Trash (Pimento is a great short track).Others include Strawbs, Stray Birds and a favourite band of mine The Sweeney with Heavy Metal Tattoo. I have others too. Who knew there were so many Heavy links.
