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Tuesday, 17 October 2017


We are busy battening down the hatches (or hatchets as Mrs CC would have it) in preparation for Storm Ophelia which will hopefully have passed by the time you get round to reading this.
Downgraded from a hurricane it has unfortunately already reeked havoc in Ireland.
As you can imagine the media is in a total frenzy.
When we we in Giarloch it got a bit blowy and the power went out. People just got on with it.
Nothing I'm sure compared to what the Caribbean has recently had to endure

All of the above is really just an opportunity to post these two songs and to mention that there used to be a woman at my work called Ophelia.

The Band - Ophelia

Natalie Merchant - Ophelia


  1. Nothing to report from Glasgow.
    In the days before storms were named it would have been described as a wee bit windy

    1. Glad all ok for you up there. We were only tickled round the edges by the last wisps of Ophelia, but she did give us a bizarre and beautiful red sun at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, followed by a peculiar purple, brown and yellow sky that was very dark and eerie.

  2. I could be wrong but don't we get this kind of weather every year but without all the accompanying fucking nonsense? Distraction from the reports into the covering up of the reports into how bad exiting the European Union is going to be. Still we can all start to grow veg and keep our own animals for slaughter as Chris Grayling has suggested.

    1. Oh yes! Sadly, you're bang on.

  3. "it got a bit blowy"
    Beans for breakfast?

  4. It seems to have bypassed us thankfully but as you say before they started naming these things, it was just called "weather". Like where C is, there was a strange darkening of the sky yesterday afternoon and the streetlights came on - All very eerie.

    I had no idea there were so many songs called Ophelia and didn't expect many Glaswegians (if that's where it was) to be called Ophelia either, but there you go.

    1. Wishaw
      Although I think she was originally from South Africa

  5. Wishaw is a strange place.

    1. there's a district of Wishaw called Gowkthrapple.

  6. There was a bit of wind, preceded by an end of the world sky. I did wonder if maybe Donald had dropped the big one.

    Anyway, you got me. I can't think of any other decent Ophelia songs.

  7. Happy to hear the news of your storm will soon blow over. So annoying.

  8. You missed out the classic Simon and Garf.......oh sorry
