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Tuesday 7 February 2017


C at the ever wonderful Sun Dried Sparrows has recently published a quite excellent post on Psychedelia featuring a fanzine that she wrote a number of years ago and which includes some of her brilliant artwork. She also name checks a number of fellow bloggers who have recently posted songs with a psychedelic hue.
I thought I should get in on the act but was struggling as I don't have much music from that genre that I could feature.
Step forward Drew who came to the rescue by recently featuring the 13th Floor Elevators with their version of  Dylan's Baby Blue.
I have two 13th Floor Elevators albums Easter Everywhere and The Masters a compilation which my brother bought and gave to me as he thought it was rubbish. He was wrong there.
These two tracks appear on both.

13th Floor Elevators - Slide Machine

13th Floor Elevators - Pictures (Leave Your Body Behind)


  1. EasternEverywhere is a great album, worth the entrance price for the full version of Slip Inside This House alone.

    1. I would have posted that Drew but it has previously featured (to considerable indifference I might add)

  2. I could call your brother's taste into question, but since you benefited to the tune of two good albums that would be a little discourteous. Has he passed any other little gems your way?

  3. A band I keep meaning to dig into further as I only have You're Gonna Miss Me. Have got some of Roky's solo stuff though... somewhere.

  4. Thank you for the very kind words CC and for adding to the psychedelic output!
    Funnily enough I don't remember ever committing myself to a whole album of 13th Floor Elevators! However have at least had various tracks on tape at one time or another, and You're Gonna Miss Me on 'Nuggets'. I was rather inspired by their album artwork too and fond memories of owning a fab T-shirt featuring the face from Music Of The Spheres but done in yellow and black... sadly no idea what became of it....

    1. Not that it matters, but by the 'face' I meant the 'Zebra Man' that was used on their posters etc, before it turned up on Music Of the Spheres, which was much later. But I've always associated it with the band. Glad I sorted that out for myself ;-)

  5. You'll probably not be surprised to learn that I hadn't heard of 13th Floor Elevators before but I've been on a voyage of discovery over the last year so thanks for sharing - It's Jefferson Airplane all the way for me though!

  6. 13thFE are good. haven't played them for ages.
