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Tuesday 7 April 2020

Happy Hippy Chick Mix

A new series inspired by Rol's Positve Songs for Negative Times and other Bloggers who are trying to accentuate the positive at the moment with a view to keeping us sane.

In the early days of our relationship I made a mixtape (or CD to be precise) for Mrs CC of happy songs entitled Happy Hppy Chick Mix. Given that I have a large number of country songs with a focus on sadness and misery  this proved to be a harder task than I first thought.

Nevertheless I managed to fill a CD with 21 tracks - so 7 posts with 3 songs each in the order the appear on the CD seems a rather neat feat.

Here are the first three for  your listening pleasure

Buzzcocks - Everybody's Happy Nowadays

Elvis Costello - Hope You're Happy Now

Nada Surf - Happy Kid


  1. I don't think the ELvis song is a cheery number

    1. You are probably correct
      I was attempting to get songs with Happy in thr title included, which is not as easy as you would think

  2. Buzzcocks just cleared my psychic gloom out a bit

  3. Love the fact you did this for Mrs CC in your early days together... I'm sure it sealed the deal! Look forward to hearing the rest.

  4. Good work, although George us correct* - the Elvis song drips venom.

    (*It does happen occasionally.)
