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Thursday 5 July 2018

No Profit in Pain

The NHS turns 70 today.
Free at the time of need from cradle to grave.
The jewel in the UK crown yet an institution the Government is attempting to systematically dismantle for ideological reasons.
A cause worth going to the barricades for. The great Gruff Rhys certainly thinks so.
See this article from the Gruniad
Available on i-tunes and apple music with profits going to NHS charities in Wales.


  1. It occurred to me today that I worked for the NHS for nearly half of its 70 years. Big challenges ahead.

    1. You and me both
      33 years on the 22nd of this month

    2. Well done you. I bottled it last year as you know - The organisation I left was unrecognisable from the one I joined. Massive praise for all the front-line staff. It was a CT scan today for my mum - No CT scanners 33 years ago.

  2. I've been in it for 14 years and it isn't pretty. One of the biggest problems as I see it (that no one else seems to be picking up on) is the seriously high quotient of managers thatare supposedly run the NHS organisations. The one I work for has the most top-heavy management structure in Wales (according to the Welsh Assembly Government) and one of the highest in the UK. Lower level staff and, more crucially, clinical staff are falling to critical levels. More and more outsourcing is going on, yet management posts seem to keep appearing. It's a disgrace.
