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Sunday, 3 November 2019

The Fantastic Four

Levi Stubbs, Abdul "Duke" Fakir , Renaldo "Obie" Benson  and Lawrence Payton collectively known as the Four Tops were one of the great Motown Soul bands of the 60's

I was nearly ostracised by the blogging community for not owning anything by them for the longest while.
That was rectified with me purchasing a Best of on vinyl in Stanraer in the summer of 17.
In early October  this year it was joined by a CD version picked up in Granton-on-Spey.
Ok so all 12 tracks on the CD are on the vinyl album but you can never have too much of a good thing.
You could well say It's the Same Old Song but I Can't Help Myself.

Look out for the obligatory comment by Lynchie making us all jealous by regaling the time he was dancing in the aisles to the band.

The Four Tops - It's the Same Old Song

The Four Tops - I Can't Help Myself (Sugar Pie, Honey Bunch)


  1. Just so I don't disappoint anyone - Yes, I did indeed dance in the aisles at Edinburgh Playhouse as THE Four Tops sang hit after hit after hit.

    Two great tracks there.

  2. I'm unlikely to hear better songs today.

  3. Glorious. I'm very grateful to my sisters record collection for introducing me to these guys (and the Supremes) at a young age.

  4. Can't do any better than these two.

  5. "Holland and Holland, and Lamont Dozier too, are here to make it all ok with you."
