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Saturday 20 January 2024

Saturday Shuffle 38


It's Saturday again so you know what that means. Yes Saturday Snapshots!

If you are not fast you're last and will have to settle for much more inferior stuff such as this.

How's about starting with The Delgados covering the Dead Kennedeys? If that doesn't blow away the cobwebs I don't know what will.

Something more laid back then? You don't get much more laid back than Saint Etienne. Here they are with He's On The Phone from their 1995 album Too Young to Die.

A couple of weeks ago we were driving through the village of Doune near Stirling when Dancing in Limbo by the late great Kirsty MacCall popped up on  a playlist. From 1989's Kite it is perhaps not one of her better known songs but it is fast becoming a firm favourite of mine. It was good to see it resurfacing again so quickly.

More dancing in Limbo next Saturday

The Delgados - California Uber Alles

Saint Etienne - He's On The Phone

Kirsty MacCall - Dancing in Limbo


  1. Saturday Whatshots? Never 'eard of it!


  2. I think this is a much more relaxing way to spend your Saturday morning. That other place does get rather stressful with everyone fighting to be the first to crack the clues etc. There's a lot to be said for just putting your feet up on a Saturday morning.

  3. a quite splendid trio of tunes.
