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Tuesday 24 January 2023

Fallen Angels


Last week I popped into town to pick up a pair of headphones from Richer Sounds. I thought that it would be foolhardy in the extreme  not to also visit Missing Records given that it is just round the corner.

I came away with three CDs from their 3 for £5 section. I am always on the look out for cheap Bob Dylan studio albums to fill in the gaps in my collection of which there are still a reasonable number. Therefore it was a bit of a no brainer to pick up Fallen Angels his 37th such album released in 2016 and as always on the Columbia label.

What I didn't twig at the time was that it was the middle one in his trilogy of easy listening pop standards alongside Shadows in the Night and Triplicate.

It is a wee bit different to what I was expecting. Indeed in parts it doesn't sound like his Bobness at all. It was, however, a pleasant background accompaniment to Sunday breakfast.

Must better that Rod Stewart's similar efforts and indeed much better than Radiohead

Bob Dylan - On a Little Street in Singapore

Bob Dylan - It Had to Be You


  1. I don't own a single second of music that Bob Dylan has recorded. I should rectify that I think. Swc.

  2. I still haven't fully got to grips with Bob's standards albums yet, but I will.

  3. Did a double take on your (and Wikipedia's) numbering there. On my spreadsheet (don't go there!) I have it as Dylan's 67th album but that does include all the Bootleg Series stuff. I've taken my lead from his own website but it may have changed since I looked last.
    Also that comment above from Anonymous is the single most hilarious post I've read on any blog probably ever!
