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Friday 7 July 2023

Friday on My Mind - Not


Now that I have retired I don't get as excited about Friday's as I used to. In reality the days tend to blend into one another and it is sometimes hard to remember which day is which.

I usually just about manage but don't ask me about dates as most of the time I have absolutely no idea what the date is. Usually it is not important but I rely on the calendar on my phone to keep me right.

For those poor sods who eagerly await  Fridays here are some songs to see you through the day.

Suzy Quatro - Friday

The Jody Grind - Friday

Beth Orton - Friday Night

Richard Thompson - Friday on my Mind


  1. I've just asked Alexa to play Friday I'm in Love in solidarity with my fellow poor sods. Swc.

  2. Good selection of Friday songs there. RT's cover is a pretty wonderful and valiant effort but has just sent me to the original which is of course unsurpassble
