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Sunday 2 July 2023

An A to Z of American Cities K


We have now reached as far as K in this series. I had two in mind right away. The other two took a little more time.

Somewhat strangely Kansas City with a population of just over 500K is the largest city in the state of Missouri as opposed to the state of Kansas. I suspect that there is more than one song about Kansas City but the one which immediately sprung to my mind was The Train from Kansas City by The Shangri-Las

Next up is Knoxville the third largest city in Tennessee after Nashville and Memphis with a population of 190K. Knoxville Girl is a traditional murder ballad. I have versions by Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds and the The Pine Valley Cosmonauts with Brett Sparks.They both pale into insignificance when compared to the original by the mighty Louvin Brothers. You cannot improve on perfection.

Anyone who worked in hospitals in the pre- computer days will be familiar with the Kalamazoo Patient Recording systems. Named after the city of Kalamazoo in Michigan with a population of 74K.. It is also the home of the original Gibson Guitar Corporation. I was all set to give you I've Got a Gal in Kalamazoo by the Glen Miller Orchestra until Rol suggested Kalamazoo by Ben Folds.

Last but by no means least we are off to the state of  Florida and Key West an island city on the Florida Keys archipelago with a population of 26527. It is a city that the great Bob Dylan is fond of and which features on Key West (Philosopher Pirate) a song from 2020's excellent Rough and Rowdy Ways album.

Next week is the letter L and  which, even if we ignore the two obvious ones, should not prove that difficult.

The Shangri -Las - The Train From Kansas City

Louvin Brothers -Knoxville Girl

Ben Folds - Kalamazoo

Bob Dylan - Key West (Philosopher Pirate)


  1. An excellent selection today. I might have suggested Key Largo, but that Dylan song is one of his best in years (the whole album).

    You could do a whole week of Ls, but as song titles go, I think you'll by hard pressed to beat Lubbock Or Leave It by the (Dixie) Chicks.

  2. By the two obvious ones you presumably mean Locust Grove and Lufkin?

  3. Joe Strummer's Trash City has the line 'I got a girl from Kalamazoo'. Not in the title though. Not sure Trash City is a real place.

  4. Lemon Jelly's Ramblin' Man namechecks Lexington. What I love about the song is that the places listed are an acronym of 'Bagpuss Sees All Things'. True story.

  5. Another fine selection there, CC. The first time I heard The Train From Kansas City was a live cover by The Shop Assistants on a freebie 7" with Sounds. A lot of love for their version but you can't beat The Shangri-Las.

  6. Yes, a fine selection. The Glen Miller Kalamazoo-zoo-zoo... song is a favourite of mine (all that alphabetisation) but I also like Ben Folds so thanks Rol for suggesting that one.

    Poor old Bertie Higgins didn't make the cut with his Key Largo then!

  7. The 2 obvious ones? One is obviously lost on me so I'll tune in again next week
