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Monday 18 January 2016

I Stand Corrected

The other day I played The Boomtown Rats primarily because of their close alphabetical proximity to Bowie on the vinyl shelves. As you can imagine that area of the shelves has seen fairly heavy traffic in recent days.
At the time I stated that it could have been worse as it could have been The Blow Monkeys. I was gently taken to task by Drew and more forcefully by Echorich. Mrs CC also got in on the act given that the three Blow Monkeys records on the shelves belong to her.

Having given them a listen I have to admit that I was wrong there. These two songs are far better than the two featured Boomtown Rats numbers previously offered

The Blow Monkeys - Digging Your Scene

The Blow Monkeys - It Doesn't Have To Be This Way


  1. I don't know how you managed it, but the link to 'Digging Your Scene' actually takes you through to to Echorich's blog!

    1. Oops- will get that rectified après work

    2. well, thanks for the promo CC. And I appreciate you giving some time to Robert Howard and the boys...

  2. Happy to read you have had a change of heart. I was with those fellas.

  3. Gave me a good laugh, CC!! (Especially the bit about Mrs. CC's ownership of said discs.)


  4. FFS I start playing that 2nd tune, and think "I know this, it's crap" then my wife starts dancing to it. Don't think I'll bother with the first one. So I go back to your Boomtown Rats tunes.....they both get a 30second airing. To sum up, both the Boomtown Rats AND the Blow Monkeys are not very good!

  5. I think I've been a bit negative about some of your recent postings........

    1. I expect the negativity to continue on Tuesday and Thursday!

  6. Hell's teeth it'll be The Clash and Springsteen
