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Wednesday 25 September 2024

The Wrong Weekend


On Sunday night we went to a gig at Webster's Theatre a converted church on Glasgow's Great Western Road. The gig entitled The Wrong Weekend was put on by Last Night From Glasgow and consisted of three acts as you can see from the poster above.

The first act were Nashville band Draped Apes  signed to LNFG and making their first Scottish date. Somewhat confusingly the were previously know as André Salvador and the Von Kings who in 2022 released an album on LNFG called Draped Apes. They were pleasant enough but I don't feel the urge to explore further.

Next up surprisingly were The Golden Tree who I thought would be the final act. The Golden Tree are Bobby Bluebell and Grahame Skinner (of Hipsway fame) who have an album called Scottish Songs Observed Vol 1. Bobby armed with a computer providing the music sang backing vocals while Grahame flawlessly sang all 12 songs from the album. They were excellent.

Sadly for Constant Follower a reasonably contingent left for the bar after the Golden Tree and did not return. On a more positive note that included the West End luvvies who literally bulled a chap in front of us who had been there from the beginning to move from his seat as they piled in from the bar at the start of Golden Tree's set.

Constant Follower, who have recently signed to LNFG, seemed undeterred and I suspect that the significant number of folk left was probably the largest audience they have played too . This was my third time seeing them and they were excellent. They are very much low- fi and you could have heard a pin drop as they performed their songs.

These included a good few from their 2021 critically acclaimed debut Neither Is, Nor Ever Was and some scheduled to appear on their follow up album The Smile You Send out Returns to You scheduled to be released in February next year.

A good night and Mrs CC and I awarded it a solid 8 out of 10.

Andre Salvador & the Von Kings - White Noise

Constant Follower - I Can't Wake You

The Golden Tree - Feels Like Heaven


  1. Sounds like a good night. Any significance in your use of shading? Are we meant to pay particular attention to those bits?

    1. I've no idea how that occured!
      I will rectify it if I can work out how
