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Saturday, 15 March 2025

Saturday Shuffle 91


Let's start this week with a bit of disco courtesy of Gonzales with I Haven't Stopped Dancing Yet. That should get your toes a-tapping.

Once he has finally stopped it is likely that he will be so knackered that a Substitute may be required. Fortunately The Who are happy to oblige.

We conclude SS91 with the Jayhawks a band who haven't appeared in this series nearly often enough. Today's offering is I'm Gonna Make You Love Me a track from Smile their 6th album which was released in 2000. 

It is one that I haven't played for ages which is something I shall try to rectify over the weekend.

I wonder who will be coming off the bench for Saturday Shuffle 92 next Saturday?

Gonzales -I Haven't Stopped Dancing Yet

The Who - Substitute

The Jayhawks -I'm Gonna Make You Love Me

1 comment:

  1. Excellent selection. My friend's aunt used to go out with Lenny Zakatek. That passed as a claim to fame in the early 1980s.
