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Monday, 24 March 2025

McMurtry Monday


It's been a wee while since the great James McMurtry has graced these pages.

From 1989 to date he has released 13 albums including a Best Of and two Live Ones.

I only own his 1989 debut Too Long in the Wasteland along with copies of 2015's Complicated Game and 2021's The Horses and the Hounds - the last courtesy of Rol

Here's one from each.

I was shocked to discover that I don't have a copy of his legendary Choctaw Bingo. You will have to make do with a great cover by Ray Wylie Hubbard.   ( see Comments below) 

I was also a wee bit surprised to find out that he is actually a wee bit younger than me!

James McMurtry - Too Long in the Wasteland

James McMurtry - South Dakota

James McMurtry - The Horses and the Hounds

Ray Wylie Hubbard - Choctaw Bingo


  1. Actually Chocktaw Bingo is a Ray Wylie Hubbard Song

    1. Thanks for putting me right as I wasn't aware of that.
      Still it was a good excuse to shoehorn it in!

  2. On my copy of Ray Wylie Hubbard's Delirium Tremolos it is credited to James McMurtry.
    Whatever the case it is stilla terrific song

    1. Definitely Jimmy Mac. Original version is on his 'Saint Mary of the Woods' album which preceded Mr Hubbard by several years
