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Thursday, 19 December 2024

Swimming Pools,Movie Stars ...


As a general rule when looking for good music by Dwight Yoakam it is wise to focus solely on the music he released up until the year 2000.

However, recently the twin tag team of George and Jez have pushed 2016's Swimmin' Pools, Movie Stars ... and 2024's Brighter Days  in my direction. I've still to listen to the latter

2016? Gulp. It was with a degree of apprehension that I gave Swimmin' Pools a listen. It seems that I needn't have worried as it is an album of Bluegrass versions of his earlier songs.It is all tremendous stuff.

There is even a Bluegrass version of Purple Rain for those of you brave enough to go there.

Thanks for the heads up chaps. I'm off to pursue Brighter Days

Dwight Yoakam - Two Doors Down (2016)

Dwight Yoakam - Guitars, Cadillacs (2016)

Dwight Yoakam - Purple Rain