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Monday, 27 January 2025

Butler, Blake and Grant


Bernard Butler, Norman Blake and James Grant have played gigs together a few times over the years most notably at FRETS in Strathaven.

They now appear to have taken it one step further with a number of tour dates  in the next few months and the release of an album to be released on 28th March .They have released a track, which is included below, as a taster and it is indeed very tasty.

 It seems that they will take turns leading on the songs which is a bit like what Norman does with Raymond McGinley at Teenage Fanclub gigs.

I've seen Norman playing solo fairly recently as well as with the Fannies on a good few occasions and saw James play at a house concert many years ago, but I have never seen Bernard play. Finances will dictate whether I go and see them and whether I opt for the vinyl or CD version of the album.

Here they are with some songs from previous bands that they have graced:

McAlmont & Butler - Yes

Teenage Fanclub - Alchoholiday

Love and Money - Jocelyn Square


  1. If that song is typical, the album could be well worth purchasing

  2. Friend of the stars (& our blogs) Mike saw the three of them perform in Bristol a year or so ago and recommended them so strongly that it was a no brainer for me. Having seen Bernard Butler twice although never solo, I can vouch for his vocal and guitar playing prowess. Looking forward to the album and the gig!
