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Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Blog Countries 108 -Palestine


A potentially controversial one today. 

Is Palestine a country? It depends on who you ask I suppose. If you type that question into the Google search engine this is the top response:

  • Palestine, officially the State of Palestine, is a country in the southern Levant region of West Asia recognized by 146 out of 193 UN member states.
  • Together with the fact that it has appeared in my Blog stats of visiting Countries that is good enough for me.

I am reluctant to get too political as I'm sure most folk have there own views. I  will only say that it is a bit disappointing that it has taken an American Presidential election to trigger strenuous negotiations for a ceasefire. While the discussions go on the body count keeps rising.

It should come as no surprise that the current situation has resulted in what we would describe as protest songs.

Humood Alkhuder is actually a Kuwaiti singer and songwriter who sings contemporary soul and Islamic music. However I feel that his song Falasteen Biladi - Palestine is my Land is an appropriate number to feature today.

Dana Sala is a Jordanian singer, songwriter and producer of Palestinian descent which reflects the voluntary and more often than not non voluntary dispersion of the Palestinian people. Here she sings a dance tune Ya Tal3een.

Kamilya Jubran is a Palestinian singer, songwriter and musician from a musical family who plays the oud and the qanum. From 1982-2002, she was the lead singer of Sabreen , an Arabic  musical group based in occupied East Jerusalem. Since 2002, she has toured solo and collaborated with a range of European musicians. Her contribution is a song called Ghareebah

Finally we have Rim Banna who was (she died in 2018 from breast cancer aged 51) a Palestinian singer and composer who was most known for her modern interpretations of traditional Palestinian songs and poetry. Here she sings a song which translates as The Taste of Love

Next we are off to a relatively new Country , something hopefully that one day Palestine will become