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Wednesday, 8 January 2025

Blog Country 106 - Kyrgyzstan


Confession time - I was not aware that there is a country called Kyrgzystan.

I am familiar with a few of the "Stans" but not this one. It would get you an impressive score at Scrabble.

Wiki informs me that Kyrgyzstan officially the Kyrgyz Republic, is a  landlocked county in Central Asia lying in the  Tian Shan and Pamir mountain ranges. Bishkek is the capital and largest city. It is bordered by Kazakhstan to the north, Uzbekistan to the west, Tajikistan to the south and China to the east and south east. Ethnic  Kyrgyz make up the majority of the country's over 7 million people, followed by significant minorities of  Uzbeks  and Russians

As far as music is concerned Google and You Tube were my first ports of call. Apparently Kyrgyz music is mainly nomadic and rural and closely related to Turkmen and Kazakh folk forms.Today's choices are pretty much at random.

First up is some Jaw Harp music called Mazgil Jangyrgy (Echoes of Time) by Kambar Kalendarov & Kulman Sultanbelov which is available on Bandcamp

Next we have the Faran Essembly who have an entry in Discogs. From their 2013 album Faran here is Dune.

Finally we have a Kyrgyz Folk song by Komuz Demi called Asel and Amurat

Hopefully next weeks music will be easier to source. It certainly should by radically different

Kambar Kalendarov & Kulman Sultanbelov - Mazgil Jangyrgy (Echoes of Time)

Faran Ensemble - Dune

Komuz Demi - Asel and Amurat


  1. I might have to buy that first album you feature.

  2. Very impressive. Maybe you are the man to take on the tour of the former Soviet republics than George keeps asking me for.

    According to my records I can two visitors from Kyrgyzstan in 2018 but none since. I wonder what they were up to in the intervening period.
