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Sunday 24 February 2013

The Promised Land

The sleeve notes of Promised Land by the Holmes Brothers promise a "deeply spiritual blend of soul-shouting rhythm and blues and prayer-meeting gospel music,with vocal harmonies guaranteed to send shivers down your spine"
Who wouldn't buy a record following that description?

Seeing it's Sunday I've gone for the gospel option.

My second hand CD came complete with a ticket stub from a concert at Festival Central on 6th July 2000 as part of the Greenwich and Docklands International Festival.Unfortunately I was not the recipient of this ticket

The Holmes Brothers -There's a Train


  1. For a pound who indeed would not buy this? Didn't see it in Antwerp, but the city does have the two best records shops I've ever been in, one sold beer, luckily for my the future of my marriage, and the other had a bar across the road. Jo insisted on me buying lots of records. What a wife!

  2. Did you buy any John Prine -and if not,why not
    Saw him in concert last week - absolutely tremendous.
    He is my latest new hero
