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Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Silk Degrees


2025 Charity Shop Purchases #3 - Boz Scaggs - Silk Degrees.

I know next to nothing about Boz Scaggs with the exception of the fact that he had a song called Lido Shuffle.

I picked up a vinyl copy of his 7th studio album Silk Degrees, from 1976 and on Columbia, in a charity shop after confirming that Lido Shuffle appeared on it.

I subsequently discovered that he was not actually christened Boz Scaggs and that his real name is actually William Royce Scaggs. I also discovered that he had been a member of the Steve Miller Band .Had I  known that I may have approached the album with a degree of trepidation.

It is very much a middle of the road album and also quite possibly veers towards Yacht Rock. For example the final track, and the only other one that I recognised, is We're All Alone a ballad that became a top 10 hit for Rita Coolidge. It was also covered by Frankie Valli. 

It was originally the b-side to Lido Shuffle but probably made him considerably more money than the for superior a-side.

Boz Scaggs - Lido Shuffle

Boz Scaggs - We're All Alone


  1. One of my favourite albums when I'm in the right mood

  2. I don't know what Yacht Rock is, but will investigate; it may require its own genre section on the music shelves!

    1. George - I strongly recommend you speak to Alyson when it comes to Yacht Rock.
      She has a PhD in YR. What she doesn't know about the subject isn't worth knowing.

  3. You're pushing at an open door far as I'm concerned, CC. Scaggs is one of the few remaining artists on my 'still need to see live' bucket list
    While I've got you, might I post you in the direction of Dig?


  4. Seem we had the same idea with Boz. Great album

  5. Don't knock the Steve Miller Band!

    1. Abracadabra is on the shelves!

    2. You can maybe knock 'Abracadabra', but nothing up to 'Book of Dreams'

  6. Replies
    1. As surprised as you are, CC. - Brian

  7. Pete from Minnesota6 February 2025 at 04:48

    This album was all over Top 40 radio here in the U.S. back in 1976-77, "deep cuts" as well as singles. "Lowdown" was a huge hit and still ranks among my favorite songs from that era.

  8. A couple of years ago my mate upbraided the young lass cutting his hair for not knowing who Boz Scaggs was and not having heard Lido Shuffle! We still laugh about that and fervently hope she subsequently recovered her self esteem!

  9. One of my favourite albums from the late 70s. But then you mention MOR and Yacht Rock as if it's a bad thing! Not in my book.
